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Enigma novel Chapter 57


It’s been almost six months since the attack. We won in the attack but we lost something precious. The after effects of the loss are still not fading but it is creating a sort of depressed atmosphere around us. I don’t think anyone could ever forget that day.

I still remember the day as clear as it was yesterday. Everything was a chaos when we came out of the safe house. It wasn’t in Scotland but right under our house. We didn’t know till then that the house had a working basement with hidden entryway before we were shoved in there from under the table in dad’s office. Cassidy and Greyson had performed a number of spell on it and the Knights had repaired and stocked it with supplies for us to stay there. Greyson had also made the basement sound proof and sort of unable to plot.

We met there with the others who were considered dead in the fire. They had already moved everyone before the fire. Cassidy had had a vision about the fire and that made it possible for them to take action before the disaster happened but they didn’t have a safe place then and had no choice but to repair and put spells on the basement and use it as one.

I saw dad run inside with mom wrapped in his shirt when I came in the living room. She was bleeding badly from her neck and a black substance was dripping from under her. Cassidy ran in right after him. I followed them upstairs. She flipped mom over her stomach and removed the shirt as soon as dad put mom down on the bed in their bedroom.

The scene was horrific. Mom’s entire back had turned black and her skin looked like it had melted around what looked like a stab wound. I felt winded. It felt like someone was squeezing my neck and cutting my air flow. Dad pulled the bed cloth up to mom’s waist as she was completely naked.

“Come on. Let them work.” Zeno said softly and tried to pull me outside.

He was looking at everywhere but where mom was. He looked like he saw a very bad accident.

“No we need her here. Rest leave.” Cassidy said in a firm voice.

I didn’t realize that my siblings were in the room as well. Uncle Ryder was looking at mom with a horror filled look.

“She will need me here.” Zeno mumbled looking nauseated.

That’s when I noticed the cuts on his arm and chest.

“You need to get checked. Go.” I told him trying to push him out as others left the room except dad and Ryder.

“No. I will stay here with you. They will heal. We need to focus on Aunt Amy first.” Zeno said firmly. “Tell me what needs to be done. I will help as much as I can.”

“Just stay here with her while she heals Amara.” Cassidy said as she started to wipe the black substance off of mom’s back.

Zeno looked at Cassidy with a puzzled expression but didn’t say anything. I threw Zeno a towel from the bathroom to press on the wounds and told him to take a seat. He did so without complaint.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked Cassidy.

“Heal her neck while I get this poison out as much as I can.”

What if I couldn’t heal her? What if I messed up? I glanced at dad who looked utterly terrified. I shook my head to clear the bad thoughts from my head and took a deep breath to help with focus.

I imagined healing the muscles and skin as my hands started to glow and I placed them on her neck. A few minutes later when I removed my hands, the skin didn’t even look like it was ever damaged.

I looked at mom’s back and sighed in relief as I saw the black thing that was spreading in her back was retreating slowly as Cassidy muttered something under her breath. There was a ball of the black substance forming under her outstretched hand.

I squeezed dad’s hand to reassure him. He threw himself at me and started sobbing loudly. I pulled him to his feet and walked him to the couch beside Zeno as I didn’t want Cassidy to be disturbed from removing that thing from mom’s body. I let dad cry on my shoulder.

After a few minutes, his sobs died down and his breathing became a little even. I looked over at Zeno to find him gawking at me in astonishment.

“You can heal?” He asked in a whisper.

“Yeah?” I replied confused.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” he asked looking offended.

“Um…you never asked?”

He glared at me in reply.

“What if she doesn’t wake up?” Dad asked startling me.


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