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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 383

Chapter 383 Ormand Kneels on a Washboard
Byron could not handle the force and fell back a few steps. The corner of his mouth was bleeding and a large area was swollen.
Viola was shocked, but when she saw Ormand‘s furious black eyes, she felt a little guilty.
“Orin, why are you here?”
“If I didn‘t come, how long would you keep lying to me?” Ormand looked at Viola and gritted his teeth.
“Don‘t get us wrong. It‘s just a meal.”
“Are you alright?” Viola quickly went to check on Byron.
“It hurts a little, but I‘m fine,” said Byron as he wiped the blood off his mouth.
Byron had always been spoiled at home and had never been beaten. He had never expected that he would be punched by Ormand this time.
“I‘m sorry. I‘ll ask Rayna to send you to the nearest hospital. I will pay your medical bills!”
“No, it‘s just a small injury,” Byron refused.
“I must do it! You are a representative sent by Portugal. You are a facade. I‘m sorry about what happened tonight. Orin
misunderstood us. I apologize to you… Hey! What are you. doing?”
Before Viola finished her words, her body was suddenly suspended in the air. She was firmly picked up by Ormand.
Then, he ran over to his car parked by the roadside, without looking back.
Viola wrapped her arms around his neck and was about to ask
Ormand to put her down when she saw that his face was super
It was obvious that Ormand was furious. If he didn’t calm down
before going home, he would tear down the house.
Thinking, Viola could only look at Byron, who stood still in a
daze. “Sorry for tonight. I’ll let Rayna treat you this time! I’ll
treat you to a meal again when I’m free in a few days!”
What Viola meant was that she couldn’t make it tonight and
she would do it again next time.
Ormand’s chest was burning, and his lungs were about to
He turned around coldly and looked at Byron, gnashing his
teeth. “This is the United States. Your etiquette from Portugal
doesn’t work here. If you try to take advantage of my wife
again, I swear I‘ll make you pay!”
As soon as Ormand finished speaking, his dark eyes narrowed as he threatened with a cold and ruthless tone.
Ormand drove on the road angrily and soon disappeared into the night.
Viola was carried back to Viorin.
Ormand had a dark expression on his face as he carefully placed Viola on the side of the bed.
Ormand stood in front of Viola, staring at her. His chest was moving violently. Obviously, his anger had not subsided yet.
Viola lightly tugged at his trousers, raised her little face, and explained in a sweet voice.
“I know what I‘m doing. What you saw when you came over was not real. Byron helped me in Portugal before, so I allowed him to greet me with the meeting etiquette in Portugal!”
Ormand snorted coldly, the anger in his dark eyes not decreasing
“He just wanted to find an excuse to kiss your hand! There was something wrong with the way he looked at you! He obviously likes you very much!”
Viola was lost for words.
Ormand was so angry that his body was trembling. “Viola, you are going to get married next month! Why would you go to have dinner with another man without telling me? And you even allow other men to kiss you!”
Viola was speechless. “I already told you, it‘s just a meal! Besides, do you think I‘ll let you down and cheat on you? Am I that unfaithful in your eyes?”
Viola was also a little angry and her voice also rose.
Ormand took out his phone and found the chat history. He pointed at the message Viola sent him and was so angry that his fingers trembled.
“How do you want me to believe you? You went to have dinner with him alone, while you said there would be a group of people, including men and women!
“Viola! You lied to me for Byron! How dare you treat me like this!”
He roared, and his eyes turned red.
Not only were his eyes burning with anger, but he also felt extremely aggrieved.
Recently, Ormand had been busy preparing for the wedding.
During the day, he was worried about whether she would
encounter danger during the opening ceremony, and he didn’t
feel like eating.
But what did Ormand get?
Viola’s lie!
Get Bonus
Viola went out with another man without telling Ormand!
And Viola even allowed that guy to kiss her hand!
That was unreasonable and unforgivable!
For the first time, Ormand glared at Viola furiously.
Viola looked at him in shock, her tone incredulous. “Are you shouting at me?”
Ormand was speechless.
His eyelashes fluttered, but the anger on his face did not decrease. His tone unconsciously dropped a bit, “I’m not!”
Viola’s eyes turned red. “You are! How loud did you shout just now? You forgot about the fifty family rules Bentley gave you, didn’t you?”
Ormand was lost for words.
She instantly gained the upper hand, and Viola’s voice immediately rose a bit.
“Why didn‘t I tell you the truth when I sent you the message? I was just afraid that you would be suspicious and make a fuss like this. My intention was good, and I know how to behave in front of other men!
“You came to catch me in a threatening manner today and even beat him up. You made it seem like I was cheating on you. You‘ve gone too far!”
Ormand frowned, feeling aggrieved. “Did I go too far? He wanted to kiss my wife‘s hand! He should feel happy that I didn‘t kill him on the spot because he helped you before.
“Also, Viola, you lied today! You lied to me, and you still think you‘re right? It is your fault!”
Viola was also angry. She glared at Ormand and said, “You said I lied to you. Fine! I did lie, so what? Are you going to cancel the engagement again? Are you going to say that you don‘t love me anymore?”
Ormand was rendered speechless by her words.
As long as Viola brought that up, Ormand would lose the argument.
“What can I do? Viola! What can I do to you?”
He roared.
In his fury, Ormand angrily turned around, opened the wardrobe door, took out the washboard inside, and threw it to the wall.
Then, Ormand walked over, faced the wall, and knelt as if venting his anger.
His broad and straight back was still violently undulating, indicating that the anger in his heart had not been vented yet. His fists were clenched very tightly.
Viola was stunned by his sudden action.
“What are you doing?”
“Didn‘t you see? I‘m kneeling on the washboard!” Ormand turned around and said angrily.
Viola heard his righteous tone, and his face looked like he was going to kill someone. She thought Ormand was going to tear down the wardrobe, but in the end, he went to the wall and knelt on the washboard.
What the heck was wrong with him?
She was amused. “Didn‘t you say that I was wrong? Then why are you kneeling on the washboard? And I didn‘t say I would punish you!”
The tip of Ormand’s nose was sour and his eyes were misty. He was so angry that his heart was hurting. The pain in his knees.
made him feel more and more aggrieved.
“Then what can I do? You are pregnant. I can’t beat you. I can’t
scold you. I can’t fuck you and I can’t bear to do this to you…
You made a mistake, yet you still act so self–righteous, but I can’t do anything to you at all!
“I can only blame myself for not being able to control you! And
I can’t control my emotions and shout at you! This is all my fault, so I punish myself by kneeling on the washboard for a night to reflect on myself!”
The more Ormand spoke, the more aggrieved he became, and he straightened his back, making his posture standard.
Viola was rendered speechless.
How did he manage to use a fierce tone to say such aggrieved


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