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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 138

Chapter 0138 

I tap my feet nervously as I wait for my name to be called. I was currently sitting in the clinic’s waiting room waiting for my appointment

To say I was nervous was an understatement because I was internally panicking

This all felt like De ja vu. My second pregnancy and here I was going to my appointments alone. The only difference is that Ethan isn’t able to be present while with Rowan he just didn’t bother coming.

I tried so hard to ignore the fact that I was pregnant until a couple of days ago when I noticed that my waistline was increasing. My baby bump was starting to show and soon everyone will know that I’m 


I sigh tiredly and make a mental note to tell my parents. I haven’t had the heart to disclose that I was expecting Ethan’s child. Mainly because he was still their son. It will be really weird for them knowing that their biological daughter is pregnant by their adopted son

The whole thing was messed up to say the least, but there’s nothing I can do about it. What’s done is done. This baby was here whether I liked it or not. There was no going around that little fact

I can feel your nervousness all the way to my fucking bones, Avahis deep voice brings me back to the 


I turn my head so quickly that I get a kink. I wince as I stare at him in shock. His grey eyes piercing mine. He looked as handsome as ever with the only difference being that his face looked relaxed

Rowan? What are you doing here?I ask him, slowly blinking to make sure that I wasn’t hallucinating his 


He shrugs his shoulder and smiles. I continue staring at him in shock. I think this is the first time he has ever smiled when he was in my presence. This was probably the first smile that was directed at me

I’m here to support you. I didn’t want you to be alone during your appointmenthe simply says

Something was definitely wrong with him. Why the hell did it feel like a damn scam

I get close to him and feel if he has a fever. Maybe he was sick and that what was causing this 

uncharacteristic behavior

What are you doing?he asks frowning

I’m checking if you have a fever” 

He looked okay and he didn’t have a fever so why the hell was here? What was going on in his complicated head

Before I can figure out what the hell had gotten into him, my name is called

He grabs my hand and gently pull me to my feet. He then leads me towards the room where my appointment was going to take place. The entire time we are walking I stare at his strong back

Completely astonished

We get to the room and find Dr Raven waiting for us

Good to see you Ava, are you ready to see how you little munchkin is doing?she asks and as always 

she’s in a jovial mood

I nod my head. Still in a daze


assuming he’s the father?she enquires throwing glances at Rowan

No! He’s just here to offer some support.I rush quickly to say when I see Rowan start to open his 

mouth. He frowns at me and tightens his grip on my hand

What in the world was wrong with this man? And why the hell did he look pissed off

Okay thenDr. Raven drags the words. You know the drill, get on the bed and pull your top up” 

Rowan helps me up and I do what I was instructed, I shift uncomfortably as Rowan’s eyes locks on my 

exposed belly. It is so weird given that the last time he saw me naked was probably last year

Before I can think more into, Dr. Raven squirts the cold liquid on my belly and begins to move the wand 


Hmmshe murmurs, her face focused on the screen

Is something wrong?Rowan beats me to the question


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