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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 140




Chapter 0140 

We didn’t talk after that. Lunch was downright awkward as we both ate silently. My mind was reeling from his apology. I don’t know what he was expecting from me, but I sure hope it was not forgiveness. Not now 

at least

After finishing our lunch he took me back home. The drive was also quiet. Both of us lost in our own thoughts. I just didn’t know how to take him in. Didn’t know what to do with this new version of him. It was all so new and strange to say the least

Thank youI tell him once we reach my home. For being with me at the appointment and for the lunch” 

It was no problemhe tries to smile but it doesn’t reach his eyes

I nod and begin to get out. He stops me by grabbing my hand

I want you to let me know anytime you have appointmentshe tells me, his eyes staring deep into mine

I stare at him once again, unable to understand what the hell was going on in his damn mind

“Why the hell would I do that?I ask in confusion, pulling my hand from his

His touch was suddenly too much. It felt like it was burning

Because I want to be there for youhe simply replies

And again I ask you, why? You weren’t there during when I was pregnant with Noah, but now you want to attend appointments for a baby that isn’t yours? Do you know how crazy that looks

He was confusing me. I didn’t like to be confused. I didn’t like to be unsure. I didn’t like that he was 

behaving out of character

Besides, I didn’t want any trouble with Emma. That would surely come if she ever finds out that Rowan is 

coming to my appointments

1 just want to be there, is that so hard for you to believe?” 

As a matter of fact, yes. Let’s be honest, Rowan. You’ve never cared much for me.I sigh. That’s actually 

an understatement because you downright hated me so of course this sudden show of concern is 


He doesn’t say anything for a while. Just continues staring at me in that intense way. When he continues 

to do it, I start fidgeting. Feeling uncomfortable with his piercing eyes directed at me

Just let me know because either way, I’ll find out and I’ll show up just like todayhe finally speaks

Have you thought how this will impact your relationship with Emma and how she would feel?” 

Sure I was using Emma as a defence, but right now she was my best chance at making him see reason

Emma doesn’t fucking matter right nowhe growls, his eyes turning cold

I stare at him with my mouth hanging open. This was definitely a first. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever hear him saying that Emma didn’t matter

What the hell has gotten into you?I ask him, puzzled. Do you hear yourself? How can you say she 

doesn’t matter when you’ve been in love with her all your life?” 

The surprise punches just kept coming. I didn’t even have time to take them all in. Every word out of his 

mouth was trying to rewrite the reality I was used to

I see him clench his jaw. His nose flaring at the reminder of his more than a decade long love for Emma

Drop ithe all but snarls at me

I guess Emma was still a touchy subject. It didn’t faze me though. I knew sooner or later they would be 

back together. Emma isn’t one to give up on what she wants and Rowan has never been able to resist her or st or stay mad at her for long

Feeling like I’ve said all I need to say, I push the car door open and get out. I walk around the car towards 

my house

His voice stops me, making me turn

Remember what I said, Ava. I will be at all your appointments, whether you tell me the dates or not” 

With that, he fires his car and leaves. I stare for a while before turning back around


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