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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 155

Chapter 0155 

The store attendant smiles and motions for us. Follow me. My name is Wendy and we’ve just received beautiful exclusive pieces that I’m sure your wife will like” 

Before I can correct her for her mistake. Rowan grabs my hand and gently drags me Following behind Wendy like a damn puppy

into the store

She sits us on one of the sofas then leaves. I turn and glare at Rowan. Completely pissed off

What the hell was that back there?I fume, feeling my anger reach dangerous peaks

He looks at me lazily, before casually answering me with another question

What was what?” 

Don’t play dumb with me! Why the hell did you call me your wife, have you forgotten we’re divorced? Or that you’re now dating Emma?” 

Here are the piecesWendy says walking towards us with a stack of clothes

What was with her and interrupting me. I was now mad at the poor soul because Rowan had pissed me 


“How about we start with this one?She asks, holding a beautiful maxi dress up for me

If it wasn’t for the fact that I was seething, I would have appreciated how beautiful the dress actually was.

Go, try it onRowan says seemingly unaffected by the suffocating tension in the room

Grabbing the dress, I stomp to the direction of the changing rooms. He had another thing coming if he thought that I was going to model for him. He could rot in hell for all I cared

Taking out my clothes, I put on the dress. The moment I look at myself in the mirror, all my anger just sort of fades away. I looked damn beautiful. The dress did wonders for my figure and my growing baby bump.l 

immediately decide to take it.

After that I call Wendy. She hands me the next piece of cloth. It was a sundress and looked really nice. Just like with the maxi dress, this one also looked really good on me. I loved their exclusive pieces. They 

were gorgeous and just perfect for expectant mothers.

It was as I was about to try on a pair of jeans, that the door opened. His presence immediately alerted me 

that it wasn’t Wendy in the room with me

stood frozen, my eyes connecting with his through the mirror. He was holding a blue top while I stood in 

What the hell, Rowan!I whisperyelled turning to face him while trying to hide my ass and bulging boob 

which literally spilled out of my bra

Which reminded me, I needed maternity bras too

He doesn’t say anything. His eyes slowly peruse my body. It almost felt like a gentle caress and it made 

me uncomfortable

Taking one of the long dresses, I use it as some sort of shield. Hiding my partial nakedness

He drops the top and starts to move towards me as if he was in a sort of trance

Before I have the chance to do anything, he cages me between his body and the mirror. My breath starts 

coming out rapidly as I start to panic. I never thought that I would find myself in such a position with 


He lifts his hand. His finger caressing my lips, my neck before falling on my cleavage

They’re bigger than I rememberhe says gruffly, his voice filled with something I don’t want to acknowledge

Step away Rowan,I murmur

Instead of doing what I asked, his hand continues its descent downward. He pushes the dress aside and places his hand on my baby bump


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