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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 411

Chapter 32.

I knew that their reaction would be explosive. It’s not every day that you’re told you have a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter you didn’t know about.

My father starts pacing, and I just fucking know what he’s thinking. Dad trained both me and Rowan. We always know what he’s thinking because we think in the same way.

He was probably wondering how this happened. Wondering if I took a paternity test to make sure that Lilly was indeed my daughter. He would also be thinking if Harper had managed somehow to fool me, trap me. He’s in a thinking mode, trying to work all the angles.

“H-How did this happen? How do you have a wife and daughter all of a sudden?” mom stammered, trying to form the words.

Her face was still etched in shock. Her eyes shifting from me to Harper who was staring at the floor silently. She was nervous. Panicking on the inside. There was this strong push to hold her. To give her reassurance through my touch.

My strong reaction towards her puzzled me. It wasn’t like this before when we were married, so what the hell changed? Why is it that all of a sudden, I wanted to do things I never wanted to do before?

“Answer your mother, Gabe” dad’s authoritative voice pulled me from my thoughts.

“We were involved a few years back” I started. “I didn’t know that I’d gotten her pregnant when I kicked her out of my life. It wasn’t until recently that I found out that she had my child.”

I didn’t want to tell them that we were married before. Those same strange feelings pushed me to protect her. My parents would be livid if they found out that her brother had threatened me. I know my parents; I especially know my mother. She doesn’t take kindly to those who mess with her boys. What Ava went through by my mother’s hands is a clear example of what happens when someone messes with us.

Andrew wanted me to marry Harper because he knew she had a crush on me. After all, we did move in the same circle. I’m still convinced that she was in on it, but my parents don’t need to know that part. I don’t want them to hate her.

Chapter 0411 1

Chapter 0411 2


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