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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108 His Right Hand Might Have Been Ruined 

“This…” Mother’s face was somewhat pale, she opened her mouth, looking at me somewhat flustered, “Do the people from the Hinton family know? The Hinton family’s Carley…” 

Alexander shook his head slightly, took a breath and said, “Walter didn’t let me tell anyone else, he just said he would handle it. However, this matter can’t be concealed.” 

After speaking, he looked at me and sighed slightly, “Once you’ve calmed down, just lie in bed and take care of your health. If you want a child, there will always be opportunities in the future.” 

I remained silent, not uttering a single word. 

What was on my mind was Walter’s bloody right hand. Was his right hand ruined? 

I subconsciously tightened the sheets beneath me, as a dense pain spread across my chest. 

Did you get angry? 

I didn’t know, I just felt a pain in my chest. 

I wasn’t sure if it was because of the medication, but I didn’t stay awake for long on the hospital bed before I drifted back to sleep in a daze. 

When I woke up again, it was already evening. 

Suddenly awakened, it was Alexander who was sitting by the bed. Seeing me suddenly wake up, he immediately sat up straight and looked at me, asking, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” 



I shook my head, took a sharp breath, and began to look around. 

Thinking I was looking for my mother, he said, “Auntie Eileen didn’t sleep at all last night, I sent her home, don’t worry.” 

I nodded, still looking around for things. 

Seeing me like this, he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong? What are you looking for?” 

“Cellphone!” I exclaimed, looking around, but still didn’t see my own cellphone. 

Hearing this, he couldn’t help but laugh. He got up and walked to the cabinet at the entrance of the ward. He opened the cabinet and took out a bag from inside. He then took out his phone from the bag. 

Taking the phone he handed to me, I hurriedly dialed Rachel’s number, but the phone was always turned off on the other end. 

I was a bit panicked, looking at Alexander, I asked, “Do you know where Ashley is?” 

Thinking that I wanted to seek revenge on Ashley, Alexander was taken aback for a moment before saying, “I’m not quite sure, you’re looking for her…” 

Before he could finish, I asked again, “Where is Walter? Where is he?” 

Alexander paused for a moment, then said, “He should be changing dressings in the operating room, he should be here to see you soon.” 

I lifted the blanket and got out of bed. 

“Tabatha, where were you going?” 

Ignoring Alexander, I got out of bed and left the ward. Thinking of 

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Lucas, I gave him a call. 

The line connected, “Ms. Conner.” 

Into the phone, I said directly, “Lucas, my friend has been kidnapped by Henry, I beg you, save her.” 

“Kidnapping?” Lucas was somewhat stunned, pausing before saying, “What happened? How could a perfectly fine person be kidnapped?” 

“There’s no time to explain,” I said, “My friend is a journalist, she must have been tracking Henry and got discovered by him, that’s why she was kidnapped by Henry. Lucas, I need your help, I don’t know where she is now, I don’t know if something has already happened to her.” 


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