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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 The Ungrateful Wretch 

Roy’s face stiffened, and he looked up at Walter. 

Walter’s handsome brows furrowed in displeasure. His dark eyes stared at me, subtly revealing his annoyance. 

I was not in the mood to appreciate his expression, so I turned around and jogged towards Alexander’s car, swiftly getting in. 

Fastening his seatbelt, Alexander glanced at Walter and his group who hadn’t left yet, started the car, and said, “What did you say? Mr. Hinton’s face looked quite grim.” 

I raised my hand and pinched the bridge of my nose, saying lightly, “I didn’t say anything. You’ve gone through the trouble of picking me up so late, thank you. Is my mom asleep?” 

He nodded, “I should go to sleep. When I went out, I noticed that the living room light was off. It’s late now. If I didn’t have the habit of staying up late, I might not have seen the message you sent.” 

I chuckled, indeed, it was already early morning. I had sent him a message when I was boarding the plane that I would be back tonight, but I didn’t plan to have him pick me up. After all, it was the middle of the night, and most people would be asleep. Disturbing people’s dreams in the middle of the night is not a good habit. 

I returned to the Conner family with Alexander, arrived at the familiar and safe environment, took a bath, and my tense nerves gradually relaxed. I didn’t lie in bed for long before I fell asleep. 

I slept so soundly that I didn’t wake up until noon the next day. 



After spacing out in my bedroom for a while, I went downstairs, only to find the villa empty. I took out my phone to call my mother, but the call didn’t go through. Just as I was about to call Alexander, his call came in. 

I answered the phone, the other end was quite noisy, I couldn’t help but ask, “Where are you? Why is it so noisy?” 

He clicked his tongue and said, “The Conner Group, Finance Department.” 

The Finance Department? 

“How much of the assets that Thomas and Ryan embezzled were recovered?” 

The voice on the other end of the phone paused for a moment before saying, “One third, part of the other assets were frozen when they were transferred to foreign accounts by the two of them a few months ago, and part of it was probably swallowed up by gambling.” 

I had considered such an outcome. Billions of funds, tossed around outside, if they could all be recovered, it would be miraculous. 

Pausing for a moment, I spoke into the phone, “Could these funds that have been recovered so far barely stabilize the Conner Group?” 

The voice on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment before saying, “It’s possible, but it won’t last long. To completely stabilize the Conner Group and ensure its continuous development, we need to find a project as soon as possible before the Conner Group falls into chaos, and have a large amount of capital settle in.” 

Of course, I knew we needed a new project. But my father had just passed away not long ago, there was chaos within the Conner Group, we were short of funds, and any one of these issues was enough to give me a headache. Good projects in the business circle, once they knew 

about the situation of the Conner Group, almost all kept their distance, fearing that the money they invested would be wasted. They didn’t dare to get involved with the Conner Group at all. 

Taking a slight breath, I said, “First, stabilize the Conner Group, quell the internal strife, then look for new projects.” 

“Um!” After a hum on the phone, Alexander said, “Right, Lucas came to the Conner family this morning and left a message for you to go to the police station. Auntie Eileen must have passed away.” 

Go to the police station? 

After hanging up the phone, I did remember Owen. It seemed that the events from five years ago also needed some closure. 

Thinking of this, I quickly changed my clothes and went out. 

Police station. 

When I arrived, I saw my waiting mother and Walter in the hall. Seeing my mother didn’t surprise me, but I didn’t expect Walter to be there, which made me slightly frown. 

Upon seeing me, my mother stepped forward and took my hand, looking at me and saying, “Why didn’t you sleep a bit longer? I’ve spoken to Lucas, he said it’s fine for me to handle this. As long as we get Owen’s statement, your innocence will be proven.” 


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