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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 You Can’t Wake a Person Who is Pretending to Sleep 

Upon seeing Walter, Ashley’s look of grievance intensified. Tears fell like rain, and her voice broke as she said, “I understand that mother is upset for Tabatha and wants to stand up for her. But Walter, I’ve never thought of hurting Tabatha. You know, if it wasn’t for my deep care for Tabatha, my little sister, I would have left you three years ago. I wouldn’t have stood by and watched you marry Tabatha. I didn’t want to ruin your relationship. But Walter, I was desperate and had no choice but to ask for your help.” 

In her words, both overtly and covertly, she was saying that she had given Walter to me? 

I wasn’t stupid, I figured it out. 

It had come to this point, and she could still pretend, which was beyond my expectation. I originally thought that as long as we caught Owen and let Owen personally accuse her, she couldn’t possibly be thick-skinned enough to deny it. 

But I underestimated her. She adamantly denied everything from the past, insisting that she was framed. The police had no evidence, and could do nothing based solely on Owen’s testimony. 

Walter didn’t speak, he just looked at me with his dark eyes and said, “She’s pregnant.” 

His inexplicable sentence left people clueless, but I could understand it. Walter was warning me not to be too harsh on a pregnant woman. 

I originally didn’t want to say too much in front of so many people, to avoid making a fool of myself. But somehow, upon hearing Walter’s 




words, I felt a bit choked up inside. 

For a moment, I couldn’t help but sneer, “The ancients truly did not deceive me, ‘lust makes the mind grow dim’ is indeed perfectly embodied by Mr. Hinton.” I didn’t finish my words, just gave Walter a sarcastic glance. 

Turning to Ashley, I said, “Ashley, your skin is much thicker than I imagined. I originally thought that when Owen was caught, he would personally point you out, and you would at least not be thick-skinned enough to deny it. But I really underestimated you. Indeed, you deny it to the death, the police can’t do anything to you. But do you really think everyone is as foolish as you, not using their brains when things happen?” 

Ashley’s eyes were bloodshot, still maintaining her pretentious demeanor, “Tabatha, I really didn’t do what was claimed years ago. I don’t know why Owen wants to frame me like this, stirring up the relationship between us sisters.” 

I sneered, saying indifferently, “You claim Owen framed you, but let me ask you, how would a desperate criminal like Owen know you? Why didn’t he falsely accuse someone else, but instead pointed directly at you? When he kidnapped me, I never revealed any information. about my family to him, so how did he know you were my sister? When the police interrogated him, how did he insist that you were the one who instructed him to deceive me? Could it be that he has the ability to predict the future, and somehow figured out that I have a sister? You say he’s talking nonsense, but his nonsense seems to fit you perfectly, doesn’t it?” 

The police gave me a so-called explanation that they couldn’t convict due to insuflicient evidence, but the reasons behind this weren’t hard to figure out upon closer inspection. 

What role Walter played in all this, I didn’t speculate, but quite a few 




people in the police station did seem to have some considerations for him. 

Even if Ashley was convicted, considering her current pregnant condition, the execution would probably have to be delayed. 

I had not spoken up, but I was fully aware of everything. However, I couldn’t stand Ashley’s shamelessness and pretentiousness at that moment, fortunately, I managed to say everything out loud. 


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