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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Carley Met with an Accident 

After speaking, I stood up and continued, “Thank you for the breakfast, I have something else to do, I’ll leave first.” 

First it was the investment project, then the evidence of Ashley framing me years ago. I didn’t know if this could be considered as Walter’s gesture of goodwill, but for me, it didn’t matter anymore. 

“Ouch!” I stood up too abruptly, bumping into the waitress who was bringing the hot water. She lost her grip on the hot pot, and the scalding water spilled out, splashing mostly onto my arm. The pain made me gasp involuntarily. 

“Are you okay?” Walter quickly rolled up my sleeve, bending down to examine the burn on my arm, his brows furrowed in concern. 

Seeing his lightning-fast reaction and the rare look of heartache on his handsome face, I felt an indescribable surge of emotions for a moment. 

Turning away, I initially thought it wasn’t a big deal and was in a hurry to leave. I tried to push him away, but when my sleeve was rolled up by him, I suddenly saw a large red patch on my wrist. A feeling of numbness and pain swept over my entire arm. 

Walter’s brows furrowed fiercely, and he abruptly scooped me up in his arms. Ignoring the terrified waiter apologizing on the side, he headed straight for the restroom. 

I was still a bit dazed, not quite catching on, struggling, “Put me down, I can walk by myself, what are you doing…” 

Before I could finish speaking, he had already carried me to the sink, turned on the cold water, and placed my burned arm under the running 




The cold ice water washed over the burnt area, somewhat alleviating the searing pain that was engulfing me. 

“Does it still hurt?” came the restrained, deep voice of Walter by my 


I shook my head, still half-embraced by him, which was truly 

awkward, especially with people coming in and out of the restroom, glancing at us from time to time. 

Pausing for a moment, I shifted my body, slipping out from the arm he had around me, and muttered a low, “Thank you.” 

The people around me didn’t say a word, they just looked at my burn, their brows furrowed deeply. The area on my wrist where I was burned was red and swollen, with a few blisters forming, it didn’t look very pleasant. 

Thinking he was disgusted, I turned off the cold water, ready to leave. 

Just as I was about to lift my hand, my other wrist was seized by him. He then led me out of the restroom, his deep voice reaching my ears, “I’m taking you to the hospital. 

This person… 

It was a bit baffling. 

After he led me out of the restaurant and settled me in the car, he retraced his steps back to the restaurant. When he came out, he was holding a bag of something. 

On the car, as soon as he got on, he handed me the thing in his hand, saying in a deep voice, “Apply some ice first.” 



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Seeing that he handed me an ice pack, I was taken aback for a moment. I took the ice pack and muttered a soft, “Thank you.” 

He didn’t speak, fastened his seatbelt, and started the car. 

We arrived at the hospital and Walter led me straight to the doctor. It wasn’t a big deal, just a burn that had caused a few blisters. After the doctor treated it, he advised me not to touch water and to change the dressing regularly. 

In the corridor, Walter collected a small bag of medicine as per the doctor’s instructions. There were both oral and topical medications. If you didn’t know, you would think I had some serious illness and had become a pill bottle. 

Watching him collect the medicine, I felt embarrassed, “Did the doctor prescribe so much medicine?” 

He nodded, glancing sideways at my bandaged wrist, slightly bowing his head, his face calm and composed. For a moment, I didn’t know what to say. 

Simply didn’t say anything more. 

I had just left the hospital with him and was about to thank him and say goodbye. 


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