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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Called Away 

I gave a slight smile, looking at her, and said, “I haven’t said anything yet, and you’ve said so much. It makes me seem ungrateful.” 

She paused, pouting, “I was just afraid you’d scold me for the online incident.” After saying this, probably seeing that I didn’t look angry, she tentatively asked, “You’re not mad at me for the online thing, are you?” 

I laughed, “Why would I blame you?” 

She was momentarily at a loss for words, pausing slightly before saying, “What are your plans next?” After finishing, she added, “I mean, between you and Walter, I heard from Auntie Eileen that you are preparing for a divorce.” 

What was the plan? 

After a moment of thought, I gave a faint smile and said, “We each go our own way, but…” 

With a face full of curiosity, she looked at me and asked, “But what?” 

Seeing her face full of gossip, I couldn’t help but raise my hand and knock on her forehead, saying, “But the divorce agreement hasn’t been signed by Walter yet, and there’s been some trouble with the Hinton family recently. If we want to completely break off relations with him, it’s probably going to take some time.” 

“Did something happen to delay the Hinton family’s Carley?” She asked, her attention on the pastries the waiter brought over. Because they looked so appealing, her face was full of anticipation. – 




Hearing her words, I couldn’t help but be taken aback, looking at her and asking, “How did you know something happened to Carley?” Apart from the Hinton family, other people shouldn’t have known so quickly. 

She stuffed a piece of pastry into her mouth and mumbled, “Mr. Hinton said he was going back to his country, I just asked casually.” 

“Mr. Hinton?” I squinted, looking at her with some suspicion. Then, belatedly realizing, I said, “William Hinton?” 

“Hmm!” Her words were still unclear as she placed a plate of attractive pastries in front of me, saying, “Try them, they taste great, super delicious.” 

“I wasn’t particularly interested in desserts, and Walter had fed me too. much in the morning. I was still somewhat full, so I ignored the dessert in front of me and looked at her, asking, “When did you exchange contact information with William?” 

She didn’t look at me, just kept eating and said, “Oh, it was just a thank you for him saving me, so I added it on purpose and said thank you to him. After posting the article in the morning, I shared it on my social circle. He probably saw it and liked and commented on it. Out of politeness, I asked him when he was coming back to the country. He said he was rushing back today. I asked one more question and found out that something had happened to Carley.” 

After listening to him, I nodded, didn’t think much about it. After all, William did save her, he could be considered as her lifesaver. It was normal to check in on him occasionally. 

Thinking of the new project to be developed in the southern district, I was reminded of Rachel’s father’s connection. Looking at her, I asked, “How has your father been lately? Is he still in good health?” 




Perhaps she had had enough of the dessert, she took a sip of tea to cleanse her palate, nodded and said, “Hmm, it’s pretty good. Last time, they even asked about you, said you should come over if you’re free.” 

I smiled lightly, saying, “I’ll go after these busy two days, it just so happens that I also have some things I need his help with.” 

She finally stopped eating and looked at me, asking, “What’s the 


I told her about getting The Conner Group to invest, and then brought up the new project in the southern district. She thought for a moment and said, “I know the people in charge of those projects in the southern district. I’ll talk to my dad one of these days, ask him to set something up, and we can all have dinner together.” 


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