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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 Carley Had Been to Prison 

Dale was dispensing medicine while saying, “Carley had some things that kept him busy a few days ago.” 

I nodded, smiling faintly. “Is it about the Hinton Group? I’ve noticed that Walter has been quite busy lately.” 

Dale was the elder of the Hinton family. Even when I was just casually chatting with him, he sensed something was off. He stopped what he was doing, looked up at me, slightly furrowed his brows and asked, “Madam, is there something you want to ask me?” 

Caught off guard by his blunt question, I paused for a moment, but didn’t say much more. I directly asked, “Dale, has something happened between grandma and Ashley recently?” 

He furrowed his brows slightly, and after a moment of thought, he said, “Madam, have you noticed that Ms. Conner has been at odds with Carley recently?” 

I nodded and said, “I’ve been busy with the Conner Group recently and haven’t been able to visit grandma often. I don’t know what happened. I ran into grandma and Ashley at the restaurant before, and they seemed to have had a disagreement. Grandma’s reaction today was so strong, so I wanted to ask you, has something happened during this time?” 

Dale gave a slight nod, fell silent for a moment, and then said, “Carley has always disliked Ms. Conner. There hasn’t been any argument or anything, but a month ago, Carley took Odin with her to the South City Prison.” 

Go to jail? 




I furrowed my brows, momentarily taken aback, and asked in confusion, “What was grandma doing in prison?” What did this matter have to do with her going to prison? 

Dale gave a slight smile and said, “How would I know about these things? I just heard Odin mention it once, saying he was going to visit an old friend, seems like his surname is Boone.” 

Surname Boone? 

“Madam, could you please take these medicines upstairs for me? I’ll go to the restaurant to get some light food for Carley,” Dale said. After handing me the packed medicines, he left with a light smile. 

I held the medicine, my thoughts still lingering on the conversation we just had. Carley went to prison a month ago, to see someone surnamed Boone? 


Surname was Boone. 


The only person I could think of who could connect the two was Henry. Moreover, Ashley was carrying Henry’s child. 

Why did Carley want to meet Henry? 

Was there any involvement between them? 

The span was too large, I couldn’t understand the relationship for a moment, so I simply stopped thinking about it. 

Returning to Carley’s ward, a group of people had gradually left after visiting Carley. It was already dinner time. Walter had booked a restaurant and invited everyone to go together. 




After my father passed away, my mother no longer enjoyed socializing, let alone visiting Carley. She only did so out of gratitude for Carley’s help during the crisis of the Conner Group years ago. As for Walter, she had always held resentment towards him, so she was reluctant to have too much contact with him. 

After giving me a few instructions, she was ready to leave. 

Alexander originally came with his mother. When his mother left, he was bound to go with her. Olivia did not hide her fondness for Alexander at all, and saw him leave. 

With her eyes curved like crescents, she gave Walter a sweet smile and said, “Walter, I have some urgent matters to attend to. I’ll have dinner with you another day. I have to go now.” 

After speaking, the person dashed off in a flash. 

For a moment, only I, Rachel, William and his wife, and Walter were left. 


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