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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Tabatha, I Thank You! 

I grunted in acknowledgement, then asked into the phone, “Did Lucas say anything else?” 


She was about to ask something else, but I thought of Carley’s recent actions and interrupted her, “Be careful these days, pay more attention to your safety when you go out, and get some rest early.” 

After hanging up the phone, my mind was a bit chaotic for a moment. 

“What’s wrong?” Alexander looked at me, asking with a furrowed brow. 

I shook my head, bid him goodnight, and went back to my room with my coat. 

In the bedroom, after lying down, my mind was filled with Carley’s recent actions, and Walter’s recent instruction to Roy to investigate the events from five years ago. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, and the more difficult it was to make sense of it all. 

The next day. 

After a restless night, I woke up groggy to find several messages from Ashley on my phone, along with missed calls from Roy. 

I called Roy back first, and the call was immediately connected. Roy’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “Ma’am, do you have time?” 

I grunted, cleared my throat and asked, “What’s wrong?” 




Roy’s voice was as usual, “Mr. Hinton asked me to deliver something to you, I am outside the Conner family’s door now.” 

I was taken aback, got out of bed and walked to the window. Sure enough, I saw Roy’s car parked outside the yard. I quickly said, “Alright, please wait a moment.” 

After hanging up the phone, I hurriedly put on my coat and rushed downstairs. 

My mother was in the downstairs restaurant. Seeing me come down, she said, “Finally awake, huh? What time did you get back last night? You, always staying up late and getting up late, you’re going to ruin your health sooner or later. Sigh… You didn’t even have breakfast, where are you going?” 

“Grab something,” I responded to my mother, and then I left the hall. 

Outside in the yard, seeing me hurrying down, Roy apologized, “Ma’am, I’m sorry, did I disturb your rest?” 

I awkwardly shook my head, it was already noon, there was no point in talking about whether it was a disturbance or not. 

He handed me the leather bag in his hand and said, “This is what the gentleman asked me to give you. Also, for the transfer of the villa at Water Villa, you might need to go to the property bureau to sign.” 

Transfer of ownership? 

I subconsciously opened the bag in my hand, inside were the divorce agreement, a few bank cards, and the house deed. 

So, Walter signed the divorce agreement? 

Holding the leather bag in my hand, I stiffened slightly and handed the house deed and bank cards to Roy, saying, “Secretary Chen, please 




pass these to Walter. Also, I don’t need the villa at Water Villa. Additionally, please relay a message for me, ask him to find time to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with me to get the divorce certificate.” 

Roy dodged the things I handed over, looking at me politely, “I’m sorry, ma’am, Mr. Hinton said if you don’t accept these things, he told me not to come back.” 


When did this person become so domineering? 

Seeing this, I could only say, “Alright, then please relay my message.” 

Roy politely said, “Madam, you should speak to Mr. Hinton yourself.” 

I really wanted to emphasize to him that I had already divorced Walter. and he didn’t need to keep calling me Mrs., but before I could say it, he had already gotten in the car and left. 

I took a deep breath, helplessly had to take this pile of things back to the Conner family. 

Seeing me return with a leather bag, my mother frowned, “What is that?” 


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