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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169 Ashley’s Malice 

Thinking of this, I shivered suddenly, not bothering to talk more with the person on the phone, I hung up directly. 

Dale, noticing something seemed amiss with me, couldn’t help but ask, “Madam, is something wrong?” 

I shook my head, unsure if I was overthinking, and said to him, “No, tell Walter about grandma’s situation. I have something to deal with at home, so I need to leave first.” 

After speaking, I pressed the elevator button. Seeing my urgency, Dale opened his mouth to say something, but didn’t ask further. 

I hurriedly left the hospital and headed straight for Blue Silver Bay. On the way, I called Alexander, but he was probably busy, as no one answered. 

Helplessly, I had to call my mother, asking her to close all the doors and windows at home, and to ignore any strangers ringing the doorbell. 

Although Mother found it inexplicable, she still agreed. 

But when I arrived at the Conner family’s place, the gate of the Conner family’s yard was still open, even the front door of the Conner family was wide open. Seeing this situation, I suddenly panicked in my heart, hurriedly ran into the Conner family’s house and shouted, “Mom!” 

The Conner family’s hall was empty, and no one responded to me. Realizing that something might have happened to my mother, nervously took out my phone from my bag and called the police. 



I had just taken out my phone when suddenly a hand reached out from behind me, covering my mouth and nose. Faintly, I smelled a pungent odor. Within a few seconds, I realized it was a knockout drug, and I immediately held my breath. 

But even when I held my breath, it was useless. A few seconds later, I lost consciousness. 

When I woke up again, I was faced with a scene of ruins. The old, mottled walls, the rusted machines covered in a thick layer of dust all around, and the shattered glass. 

Clearly, this was an abandoned factory. 

My mouth was sealed with tape. I tried to open my mouth to call out, but after a few whimpers, I realized I couldn’t make any sound at all, so I gave up. 

Hands were secured behind on the abandoned machinery, utterly unable to move. 

After a few struggles, I was exhausted. The surroundings were quiet and desolate, as if there was not a single person in sight. As I watched the sky gradually darken, a cold wind blew in from the broken glass window, gust after gust, causing my teeth to chatter. 

I didn’t know how long it had been before I heard footsteps coming from outside. 

“Creak.” Accompanied by the opening of the door, a pair of shoes covered in mud stepped in, followed by the slightly aged face of Henry. 

Seeing him, I wasn’t surprised, instead, I felt a sense of disappointment. 

Seeing that I was awake, he put his hands in his pockets, walked over to me, and looked me up and down with a lewd expression. He ripped the tape off my mouth and said, “People always say that the more a 

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brother-in-law looks at his sister-in-law, the more he likes her. That saying is really true. How did I not notice before? You, as a sister-in- law, are actually more interesting than your sister.” 

I looked at him, my face calm and indifferent, “You really don’t accumulate virtue for your son, aren’t you afraid he will be born with missing arms or legs?” 

“Smack!” Henry’s slap was not light. 

For a moment, my mouth was filled with the taste of blood. I prodded my swollen cheek with the tip of my tongue, looked up at him, and sneered, “In a hurry? It seems you still have things you care about. I thought a desperado like you wouldn’t have anything left to care about. Unexpectedly, an unborn child has become your precious treasure.” 

Henry’s face had already darkened by this point, coldly glaring at me, pinching my face and warning, “I’m warning you, watch your mouth 

or else I’ll make sure you won’t see 

when you talk about my s 

tomorrow’s sun.” 


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