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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Mrs. Hinton Wants to See You

I stood still and looked at Walter in silence. At this point, I had no idea what he was thinking. At first, I thought that since he had risked his life for Ashley, he must have loved her so much, and he would definitely agree to divorce me and give Ashley a home. However, his aberration last night left me at a loss.

Seeing me standing still, he raised his eyebrows. “Today’s sunrise is nice. Let’s enjoy it before we head back.”

Obviously, it was a notification instead of a question.

I took a silent look at the sun that had passed over the mountains. The bright morning light spread over me and kept me warm. I didn’t know how long he was going to enjoy it, so I stood situ indifferently.

Seeing that I did not move, he got up and walked towards me. Then he got in the car without glancing at me.

We didn’t have much things to say. He drove the car in the direction of the city. All the way, neither of us said anything, and all we could hear was the sound of the wind outside the car brushing the trees.

Seeing him drive the car in the direction of Water Villa, I frowned. “Pull over and let me down. I…”

“It’s too early to go to work. Go back and sleep for a while longer,” he said in a calm, magnetic voice.

“No need. I’ll rest at Rachel’s place.” I didn’t know what his plan was. No matter how he wanted to deal with Ashley, I had no intention of going back to Water Villa at all.

As we spoke, he had already parked outside the villa. Roy had a suitcase in his hand, which seemed familiar. Before I could ask, he looked at Walter and said, “Mr. Hinton, Mrs. Hinton’s things have been taken back.”

Walter nodded and looked at him. “Put them inside.”

Roy nodded and carried the suitcase inside the villa.

I frowned and looked at Walter with great dissatisfaction. “You took my stuff back without my permission. This is how you handle it?”

He looked at me, saying in a low and calm voice, “You want Grandma to step in?”

I choked on his words. Indeed, if Carley knew that I had moved out, the fact that Ashley was pregnant and I wanted a divorce would be exposed soon, and not long after, the Conner family would all know.


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