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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 The Appearance of Sebastian 

Her hands were covered in blood, but she squatted down with an unusual calmness. With a serene gaze, she placed the blood-stained knife in my hand, then gripping my hand, she plunged the knife into Henry’s back once again. 

I wanted to speak, but the strong effect of the drug left me unable to make a sound. She looked at me, her eyes filled with satisfaction, “Tabatha, thank me. I didn’t let you be humiliated to death by this beast. Consider it a favor between sisters. However, a life for a life, you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison, watching me and Walter raise children and grow old together. Thank you, for 

eliminating Carley from the Hinton family for me and Walter, for removing all obstacles.” 

After speaking, she calmly took off the gloves she was wearing, raised her hand to touch her already bulging belly, and muttered to herself, “Baby, your father is too lonely on the road to the underworld. Would it be okay if mom sends you to accompany him?” 

I watched as she nearly exhausted all her strength to ram her stomach into the corner of a wooden table nearby. Then, I watched as she sat on the ground, her body twisted in pain, and as more and more blood flowed from her, even surrounding her entirely. 


As she was on her last breath, she looked at me with a sinister smile, then took out her phone and made a call. In a weak voice, she said into the phone, “Walter, save… save us. Tabatha and I are in the abandoned factory on South City Road. Henry… he violated Tabatha…” 

After speaking, she slowly let the phone in her hand slip down, no matter how the other end called out, she didn’t say another word. 





Watched her orchestrate everything with my own eyes, feeling as if my brain and nerves were suffocated after being frozen in an instant. First, she pretended to give Henry a suggestion, then killed him when he was distracted, framing me for the crime. Even her own flesh and blood, she calculated into her scheme. 

She was far more malicious than I had ever imagined, far too much. 

I couldn’t move, and my consciousness was gradually failing. I knew what I would have to face the next time I woke up. 

I wanted to push the bodies off me and leave this place, wanted to escape from it all. 

But I could never muster up even a little bit of strength. 

Just as I was about to succumb to the effects of the medicine and close my eyes, it seemed that a person appeared before me, someone I vaguely recognized but couldn’t quite recall. 

“Tabatha!” A slightly juvenile male voice came from beside her ear. 

This voice, I had heard it before, very, familiar, it was… Sebastian. 

Before completely losing consciousness, this name inexplicably popped into my mind, and then I completely lost consciousness. 

When I woke up again, my mind was somewhat blank, and it took me a while to regain my senses. I looked around in panic at the unfamiliar surroundings. It wasn’t the abandoned factory, there was no blood- soaked Henry on me, and Ashley, surrounded by bright red blood, was nowhere to be seen. 

The place was very clean, even all the items around were so expensive that they were luxurious, including the exquisite dressing table, porcelain, incense ornaments, crystal clear chandeliers, and the delicate silk quilt on the bed. 





But this was not the Conner family, not the Hinton family, nor was it Water Villa. 

The unfamiliar yet real scene before my eyes left me unsure of where I 


The bedroom door was pushed open, I looked up and saw a middle- aged doctor in a white coat coming in. Seeing that I was awake, he gave me a friendly smile and said, “You’re awake. Do you feel unwell anywhere?” 

I shook my head, looking at him, and began to speak, “I…” For some reason, my throat hurt terribly, and it took me a while to manage to utter a few words, “Where is this?” 

The doctor walked over to me, raised his hand to take my temperature, checked my pupils, but did not directly answer my question. Instead, he said, “The medication has worn off, the high fever has subsided, and you should be able to recover with some good rest.” 


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