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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Had Already Let Go Long Ago 

I didn’t know what the two had discussed before, but at this moment, Ashley’s questioning, presumably, was due to some ruthless words Walter had said to her, which was why she was so unwilling to accept it and questioned him. 

I had originally thought that Walter would disdain to answer her questions in front of so many people, but seeing his nearly ruthless black eyes sweep towards Ashley, his voice was low and indifferent, “Do you think I would spare you a glance if I hadn’t mistaken you for someone else?” 

As soon as he spoke, everyone present was stunned. Walter had always been reserved, and the upbringing of the Hinton family had taught him never to easily reveal his emotions, and he hardly ever spoke harshly to 


Not to mention that there were so many people around at that time. 

Ashley probably hadn’t expected him to say such heartless words to her. She was stunned for a moment, staring at him blankly, her eyes red and filled with grievance. 

Walter’s expression remained unchanged, even somewhat indifferent, as he looked at her and said, “For the past five years, I have been nothing but kind and fair to you. Don’t appear in front of me again. I owe you nothing, and you know it well. I detest being bothered by others.” 

After speaking, he gave Roy a look. Understanding, Roy forcibly took Ashley away. 

Ashley was somewhat dazed when she was taken away. It was evident 



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that she seemed to have not yet emerged from Walter’s indifference, and she hadn’t even accepted Walter’s coldness. 

I pursed my lips, calmly watching everything, and at the same time, I got to know Walter again. 

I suddenly realized that I might not truly know Walter, even though we had been through life and death together, even though I had been his wife for two years. But even so, I might not truly know the real him. 

“What happened?” William followed out, seeing Ashley being taken away, he asked aloud. 

Emma looked at me and Walter, didn’t say a word, and took William back to the ward. 

Suddenly, only Walter and I were left in the hallway. 

I didn’t feel much sympathy for Ashley’s embarrassment. It was all her own fault, so I turned around and prepared to leave directly. 

“Let’s talk,” came Walter’s voice, low and steady. 

I pursed my lips, my brows involuntarily furrowing as I said, “It seems there’s nothing for me to talk about with Mr. Hinton.” 

“May I treat you to a meal?” He began, his voice somewhat low, “Consider it as a thank you for coming to visit Grandma.” 

I furrowed my brows, “No…” 

“Tabatha, must you have me beg you in humility to eat this meal?” He suddenly interrupted me, his slender, jade-like figure standing before me, looking down at me. 

His words left me choked up on the spot, unable to speak. It took me a while before I could look up at him, “What would you like to eat, Mr. 


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Hinton? It’s my treat,” 

He didn’t answer, he just said, “Follow me.” 

The garden restaurant in the city center. 

In a restaurant where a meal cost four figures, luxurious and elegant, I sat on a genuine leather sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window. I glanced at the scenery outside, in the depth of winter, the wintersweet in the courtyard below was blooming brilliantly, a particularly pleasing sight to the eyes. 


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