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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 How to Deal with Henry’s Corpse? 

Having guessed that it might be his close relative, I looked at him with a faint smile, not rushing to take the orange, but pushing the cart to their side, looking at Sebastian and said, “You guys are also shopping at the supermarket, huh.” 

As I spoke, I looked at the woman beside him, greeting her with a light smile. 

Sebastian nodded, taking the opportunity to introduce me, “This is my mom, I came with her to buy some stuff.” After saying that, he introduced me to the woman. 

He said, “Mom, this is Ms, Conner, she is my… very good friend.” 

Hearing Sebastian’s introduction, I paused slightly, looking at his mother with a faint smile, “Hello, my name is Tabatha.” 

Sebastian’s mother, Ella, looked at me with a smile and said, “Ms. Conner, hello, thank you for being willing to be friends with Sebastian.” As she spoke, she glanced around me and asked, “Did you come alone?” 

I nodded and smiled, saying, “My friend lives nearby, she’s sick. I came out to buy some groceries, and I’ll go back to cook something for her later.” 

Ella smiled lightly and said, “Oh, how is your friend doing? Maybe later, Sebastian can go with you to take care of things.” 

Ishook my head, unable to help but laugh, “No need, no need, she’s fine.” 


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Sebastian interrupted our conversation, looking at me and asked, “Are you feeling better now?” 

He was asking about how my health had been recovering after the incident. Although he didn’t explicitly say it, I knew what he was asking as soon as he spoke. Looking at him, I nodded slightly and said, “Much better.” 

They chatted briefly, but the supermarket was crowded, so it wasn’t good to continue chatting much. 

After picking up some fruit, I parted ways with them. After leaving the supermarket, I was carrying bags big and small towards Rachel’s 

neighborhood. Just as I entered the neighborhood, I heard someone calling me again. 

This time, it was Sebastian’s mother who called me. The mother and son had bought quite a lot of things. Sebastian was carrying bags big and small, following behind his mother. 

Ella followed me, smiling and said, “Ms. Conner, does your friend also live in this community? That’s great, Sebastian and I just moved here, we can hang out more in the future.’ 

Hearing this, I was somewhat surprised. I gave a slight smile and looked at Sebastian, asking, “Did you just move here?” 

Sebastian nodded and said, “We live in Building 65. Feel free to visit. us whenever you’re free. I’m usually not at home, it’s just my mom. She’s like this, she doesn’t have anyone to talk to usually, so when she finds someone, she likes to chat.” 

Ella gave him a reproachful look and said with a smile, “What are you talking about? I just find Ms. Conner so approachable that I can’t help but want to talk to her more.” 

Sebastian said helplessly, “Fine, fine, fine, whatever you like is fine.” 



After speaking, he looked at me and asked, “Have you been busy lately?” 

I shook my head, remembering to thank him for saving me, and said, “What about you? What have you been up to lately? If you’re not busy, I’d like to invite you and your friend to have a meal together.” 

Sebastian smiled, probably worried that his mother would get tired from standing for too long. He found an excuse to let her go first. Watching her walk away, he turned to me and said, “If it’s okay, can we meet up tomorrow night?” 


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