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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Revenge Was Inevitable Sooner or Later 

Of course, I understood what he meant by that, but I didn’t respond. Instead, I just watched Roy, who had rushed over anxiously. It seemed that my goal had probably been achieved. 

Walter naturally noticed Roy rushing over, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he didn’t rush to ask. 

Roy hurried over, after stopping, he steadied his breath, glanced at me, seeming somewhat hesitant. 

Upon seeing this, Walter asked, “What’s the matter?” 

Roy steadied his breath, his voice as usual, “The police took Ms. Conner away, saying she was involved in a criminal case and needed to take her to the police station for questioning. The police showed an arrest warrant.” 

After listening, Walter remained calm, just giving me a faint glance, then calmly looked at Roy and asked, “Is there anything else?” 

Roy was taken aback, his face somewhat bewildered, not understanding what he meant at the moment. 

After hesitating for a few seconds, she said, “Mr. Hinton, about Ms. Conner…” 

“Since she caused trouble, it’s only normal procedure for the police to take her away,” Walter spoke, his expression unchanged. 

Roy seemed somewhat worried as he said, “But Ms. Conner attempted suicide by taking a large amount of sleeping pills yesterday. She barely survived. If the police take her away, could something happen?” 



Walter glanced at him, his handsome brows slightly furrowed, “Do you care so much about her life or death?” 

His words really stumped Roy, even I was taken aback for a moment. 

Roy was mute, so he could only say, “No.” 

Perhaps sensing Walter’s indifference towards Ashley in his words, he found it difficult to continue the conversation. All he could do was say, “Well, Mr. Hinton, I’ll get back to work now.” 

After Walter grunted in response, he left. 

I stood still, increasingly unsure of what Walter was thinking. I had assumed that with his usual character, he wouldn’t stand by idly when Ashley staged a suicide drama. But his demeanor just now was so indifferent that it took me by surprise. 

“Did you call the police?” A man’s deep voice came from beside her 


I didn’t deny it, calmly saying, “It’s me.” 

Before his interrogation came, a faint laughter was heard from the person next to him, “You came to see grandma so early on purpose, and tried every means to get grandma to call me here, are you afraid that I won’t let the police take her away?” 

I glanced at him sideways. People who don’t usually smile look especially good when they do, and Walter was just like that. Following his words, I just nodded, not saying anything. 

He suddenly sneered, as if he had received a certain answer with some irony, “So, you plan to settle both old and new scores?” 

I didn’t avoid his question, but directly said, “Speaking of which, I have to thank you for going to the border to find the evidence she used 




to frame me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything to her.” Looking at his calm face, I couldn’t guess what he was thinking, and continued. “People always have to pay for their actions. What I’m doing now is just seeking justice for myself and those who have been hurt by her. If you can’t bear to protect her, then we might not even be able to be friends in the future.” 

Walter’s face darkened gradually, his black eyes narrowed, his voice somewhat heavy, “Tabatha, have you ever listened to what I’ve said? Or should I simply say, have you ever trusted me at all?” 

“I didn’t understand the meaning of his words,” I said calmly, “I’ve been listening to Mr. Hinton’s words, I just don’t know which sentence you’re referring to now. As for trust, we can’t even be considered friends at this point, let alone trust.” 


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