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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 The Sudden Increase in Sebastian’s Assets 

When asking this question, Lucas was looking at me with exceptional 


I paused for a moment, not rushing to answer him, but instead asked, “Lucas, did Ashley say something?” 

He shook his head, furrowing his brows as he said, “Her statement currently aligns with yours, but what I’m curious about is why Henry suddenly disappeared as if he vanished from this world. The police immediately sealed off the entire River City and conducted a carpet search for a long time, but not a trace of him was found. So, I suspect, is Henry already dead?” 

My heart skipped a beat, and I subconsciously clenched my hands. It wasn’t because of guilt for murder, after all, I didn’t kill the person. It was because of hiding the body. If this matter was solely on me, perhaps I would have confessed at the first sight of the police. But now it involves Sebastian, and if I’m not careful, Sebastian will be dragged 

into this. 

I pursed my lips and took a slight breath, looking at Lucas, I repeated my previous words without changing my expression. 

Lucas nodded, his gaze thoughtful as he looked at me. After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked an unrelated question, “Ms. Conner, how long have you known your friend Sebastian?” 

I was taken aback, not understanding why he suddenly asked this. I honestly replied, “Not very long, Lucas, why do you suddenly ask?” 

He didn’t answer my question, but continued, “It was when you went to Chesterburg before, you met on the cruise ship, right?” 


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I pursed my lips, looking at him with some confusion. 

Seeing my reaction, he didn’t wait for my response, but said, “Ms. Conner, you don’t need to be nervous. I’m just speculating. I naturally trust your character and the way you handle things. However, there’s something about your friend that puzzles me, so I wanted to ask you an extra question. Of course, it’s possible that I’m overthinking.” 

I was confused and followed his words, “Doubt? Sebastian?” 

He nodded, saying, “Hmm, I’ve investigated Sebastian. His father died when he was a child, and his mother has been working in various cities to support him all these years. However, his mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer five years ago. In order to pay for her treatment, he stopped going to school and started working to earn money. In the past two years, due to the worsening condition of his mother, he began to take some shortcuts to make money. At first, he was only involved with wealthy women, but later, he was introduced to some rich older men.” 

The meaning he expressed in his words was very subtle, but I knew a little about Sebastian’s affairs. After all, when I first saw him, he was stark naked with a group of men… 

Taking a slight breath, I looked at Lucas, calmly saying, “The joys and sorrows of life are always incomprehensible. It’s not Sebastian’s fault that his life path isn’t as smooth as others. His desperate efforts to keep the people he cares about are not shameful, no matter what means he uses. Lucas, would you think he has a problem just because he has such experiences?” 

Lucas shook his head, calmly saying, “Of course not. I’m not telling you this because I’m belittling him or have any other thoughts. I’m just stating the facts, which also explain the premise of my doubts. According to the information I’ve recently gathered from my investigations, Sebastian seems to have disappeared for a while about 






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