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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 Daniel Had a Car Accident 

So, were these projects the compensation? 

I pursed my lips, not rushing to speak. The Conner Group was in desperate need of new projects, and these few projects in the southern district were the best opportunities. The terms he proposed, for a moment, left me unable to refuse. 

After a brief silence, I nodded, “Okay.” 

Moving into the old house wasn’t really a problem. Carley wasn’t giving me a hard time anymore, so it didn’t matter where I lived. 

Seeing me nod, he lifted his thin lips in a smile, seemingly in a good mood, “Where are you going later, I’ll take you.” 

“No need.” It was probably a habitual refusal of him, I blurted out almost instinctively. Realizing belatedly that he meant well, I softened my tone and said, “You go ahead with your work, I’ll drive myself, no need for a ride.” 

After speaking, I left the hospital and went straight to the Conner Group. 

Alexander was not at the company, so naturally, my workload 

increased. I was busy until it was almost dark before I left the company and drove back to Rachel’s apartment. 

On the road, my mother called. After answering the phone, the noise on the other end was a bit chaotic. It took me a while before I heard my mother’s voice, “Tabatha, have you had dinner?” 

I responded, listening to the banging sounds coming from the other 


end of the phone, I couldn’t help but ask, “Mom, are you setting off fireworks over there?” 

“Yes, it’s so beautiful.” I could feel my mother’s happiness even over the phone. 

I couldn’t help but smile, saying, “Tonight is the eve of the bride’s wedding, shouldn’t you be having a good chat with Mia instead of thinking about calling me?” 

Laughter came from the other end of the phone, “We were just talking about this, Mia’s daughter is a few years older than you, I heard she’s also working in River City, and she’s a journalist, I think. I remember Rachel is also a journalist, you should ask Rachel when you have time, maybe they know each other. When I get back, we should arrange a meal together, so you can get to know each other.” 

I smiled helplessly and said, “Mom, are you planning to make your best friend’s daughter my best friend too?” 

“You child, you’ve been wronged, haven’t you?” The mother said angrily in her western dress, “I’ve met Xiaomin’s daughter, a beautiful and steady girl, she’s a good child. With your hot temper, you should make friends like her. I would feel more at ease if she’s around you.” 

I couldn’t understand my elderly mother’s feelings, so I changed the subject, “Mom, when do you think you’ll be back?” 

“What happened? You missed us so soon?” 

I smiled and followed her words, saying, “Yes, I’ve been missing you guys. The house feels so empty without you. So when are you coming back?” 

Mother sighed and said, “We definitely won’t be back for a while. You go stay with Rachel for a few days. We’ll wait for Mia to finish her wedding here. Alexander and I still need to go to his hometown to 


have a look. I’m afraid it will take a few days before we return.” 

Hearing this, I hummed in response, chatted casually with my mother for a bit, and seeing that the car had already arrived at Rachel’s neighborhood, I hung up the phone and looked for a parking spot. 

When I got off the car, I saw Sebastian carrying a bag of fruit from outside the community, looking like he had just returned. Naturally, he saw me too, and with a smile on his face, he waved and jogged towards me. 

“Where have you been? Coming back so late?” He said this in jest. 

I smiled lightly, “Working overtime, didn’t you just get back too?” 

He lifted the fruit in his hand and said, “My mom wanted to eat this, she just asked me to go out and buy it. Oh, by the way, I had something come up last night, so I didn’t have time to go, sorry about that. How was your chat with Daniel?” 

Didn’t make it in time? 

He clearly went but didn’t show up, why did he lice? 


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