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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Wanted Something Sweet 

At first listen, there seemed to be nothing wrong with what was said, yet it felt somewhat odd. For a moment, I didn’t think there was anything wrong again, and couldn’t find any suitable response, so I simply smiled and remained silent. 

Just as I was wondering whether I should continue to awkwardly search for topics to chat about, I saw Sebastian coming out of the bathroom. Noticing that he was alone, I quickly asked, “Is Walter okay? 

Sebastian nodded, but before he could speak, Walter’s figure followed. Seeing him calm and composed, no different from usual, his eyes clear 

I still couldn’t help but walk up to him and ask, “Are you okay?” 

He shook his head slightly, his dark eyes turning to Daniel in the wheelchair. The two men locked eyes, one looking down from above, the other looking up indifferently. Their auras were evenly matched, neither conceding even a bit to the other. 

The atmosphere was a bit delicate. I pursed my lips and tugged at Walter’s sleeve, wanting to introduce, but considering that they should have both heard of each other, and moreover, Walter and I were already divorced, it seemed I had no place to introduce anything. 

Thinking this, Daniel suddenly looked at me and said, “Ms. Conner, your friend has come out, so we’ll leave first, we’ll contact you another day.” 

I nodded, glanced at Sebastian, and Sebastian returned my gaze with a smile before pushing Daniel away and leaving. 

0 UDS 

Walter watched as Daniel was pushed away, his brows slightly furrowed, his expression somewhat unsettled. 

Looking at him, I couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have any issues with Mr. Monroe?” 

He withdrew his gaze, his dark pupils landing on me, shaking his head. “No.” 

I was confused, “Why… why did those two people just now look at each other with such unfriendly eyes?” Moreover, during dinner just now, he even said he would accompany me to meet Daniel. After all this, how can we still meet together? 

Don’t accidentally start fighting. 

Seeing that I didn’t continue speaking, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly. He began to speak, “I just felt that his eyes were somewhat familiar, familiar to the point that it was somewhat annoying.” 


He rarely expressed his dislike so bluntly. 

I furrowed my brows. Although I did feel a bit familiar with Daniel’s eyes, it wasn’t as he described. I paused, noticing that the people coming in and out of the restroom were frequently glancing at us, especially the women, who were almost without exception sizing up Walter. 

It was probably his precious and handsome face that attracted it. 

Taking back my thoughts, I said, “It’s getting late, let’s go. 

Seeing me speak like this, he didn’t say much either. He looked at me, nodded, and hummed in agreement. 

Although this person seemed not to be drunk, I always felt that he was somewhat dizzy. 

After leaving the restaurant, he had drunk alcohol and couldn’t drive, so I had to take him home. 

On the car, I glanced at him, “Where have you been living recently?” After the divorce, I hadn’t paid attention to him anymore, so naturally, I didn’t know where he had been staying recently. 

“Water Villa.” He spoke, leaning back in his chair, his knuckles prominent as he pinched the bridge of his nose, his voice tinged with fatigue. 

I hummed in agreement, started the car, and drove straight towards the direction of Water Villa. 

The night in River City was a magnificent sight of city lights cradled by mountains, as well as a chilling beauty of biting cold wind. Along the way, Walter drove with the window down, glancing at the city lights flashing by outside the car window. In the middle of the night, River City was a perfect blend of hustle and tranquility. Some people were downing beers with barbecues, chatting about life’s ups and downs with a few good friends over alcohol, while others were already asleep in the darkness, their snores filling the air. 


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