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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 209


Chapter 209 Are You Going to Abandon Me Again? 

Beat the wife? 

Following the direction he pointed, I saw the big black dog that had been growling nearby just a moment ago. 

Protected it? 

Are you referring to the large Golden Retriever in his arms? 

For a few seconds, I wanted to laugh, but then I was left in a state of disbelief. After it pushed the Golden Retriever in its arms towards me and struggled to stand up against the wall, it looked at the big black dog and said, “You come here, apologize to it!” 

When the big black dog saw him stand up, it was so scared that it tucked its tail and backed up a few steps. Probably because of the big golden retriever, it didn’t plan to run, but just guarded from a distance. 

Seeing the big black dog not moving, Walter walked straight towards it. 

I originally thought that this Golden Retriever was probably really bullied by the black dog, so it didn’t run away. However, after a private check, I found that the Golden Retriever was not hurt at all and wast still very lively. It was probably because it saw Walter going after the black dog, so it wagged its tail and followed Walter, jumping around happily. 

The big black dog refused to leave, and the Golden Retriever was reluctant to approach it. It was caught by Walter after only a few steps, and Walter dragged it by the neck into the alley. 

Seeing the big black dog being caught, the Golden Retriever was not anxious, just wagging its tail and following Walter around. The black dog didn’t dare to bite Walter, who was holding it by the neck and warning, “You are not allowed to bully your wife in the future, or else…” 

At this point, he turned his gaze to the lower body of the black dog. It was only then that I saw the black dog’s lipstick had come out. 

For a moment, I couldn’t catch my breath. Was this what Walter meant by bullying in his words? 

Indeed, he was drunk, and not just a little. He was frolicking with two dogs in the alley in the middle of the night, both parties enjoying each other’s company. When did it become his business? He was intent on lecturing the little dog. 

He had been talking to the black dog for a long time, nonsensically, but the message was just six words, “Don’t bully the daughter-in-law.” 

Honestly, I really regretted not bringing my phone. I really wanted to record this rare scene to show him tomorrow. 

Suppressing a laugh, I called out to Walter, but he seemed determined. to make the big black dog and the golden retriever apologize. I knew that if I didn’t drag him away, he might even end up forcing the two dogs to get married and have puppies right there. 

The big black dog seemed to have been annoyed by him. Seeing me pulling Walter, it took the opportunity to retreat far back, barking at the golden retriever, presumably intending to have the golden retriever leave with it. However, the golden retriever seemed to really like 

Walter and had no intention of leaving, instead bouncing around by Walter’s side. 

Walter was dragged by me, somewhat reluctantly looking at me and 

asking, “What’s wrong? Where are we going?” 

“Go home.” Knowing he was drunk, I didn’t continue to talk to him much. 

Upon hearing the words “going home”, the man became much more compliant and followed me. However, after a few steps, as if he had remembered something, he stopped and began searching for something in his pocket. 

I was puzzled, frowning at him, “What’s wrong? Lost something?” 

He pulled out a bank card from his pocket and threw it towards the black dog, saying, “For you to buy a house and get married.” 

The black dog thought it was Walter who threw something at it, and it was so scared that it jumped back several steps. 

I felt terrible, looking at the black card that was thrown away in the distance, I couldn’t help but hold my forehead. How much wealth was that? He said he would throw it away and he did. 

It was bad enough to be thrown to people, but to be thrown to a dog for its wedding was even worse. 

He really was a talent. 

Suppressing the urge to complain about this drunk, I picked up the 

bank card. 

Biting her lip, she steeled herself and pulled the person back into the car. After all this fuss, it was already one o’clock in the morning. 

I was somewhat exhausted, and had driven people to Water Villa. 


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