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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 212

Chapter 212 You Needed to Find Me Directly 

That night, I didn’t sleep very well and woke up in the early morning. 

The winter mornings in River City dawned late. Looking at the somewhat grayish sky outside, it took me a while to remember that I had fallen asleep at Water Villa last night. 

A faint sound of breathing came from beside me, causing me to space out for a moment. But it was only a moment, and then I climbed out of bed. The person next to me was sound asleep, without any movement. 

Having taken the car keys, I left the house. 

I hadn’t slept well that night, and it was still dark outside. Naturally, I couldn’t go and wake Rachel up in her apartment, so I simply went straight back to the Conner’s place. 

had another nap at the Conner’s place. When I woke up again, it was already noon. After a good sleep, I lay in bed and checked my phone. 

There were quite a few missed calls, some from mother, some from Alexander, and even… from Walter. 

Looking at several missed calls, I selectively called my mother back first. At her age, attending a friend’s wedding was a different experience from when she was in her twenties. She told me a lot, and I responded to her one by one. 

After we had talked enough, I hung up the phone with her and called Alexander back. He was with his mother and didn’t have much to say about the wedding. Instead, he was more concerned about the company’s situation during his absence. Naturally, I told him everything in detail, including the matters we discussed when I met 

Mr. Smith last night. 

After listening, he paused and said, “From his tone, it seems that as long as we find the Monroe Group and negotiate with them, we can take over several projects in the southern area?” 

I nodded subconsciously, then realized they couldn’t see me, and said, “Hmm, it should be like that.” 

He seemed to be thinking, and after a few seconds, he said, “I’ve looked at the Conner Group’s partners over the years, and there’s hardly any overlap with the Monroe Group. Likewise, we’ve never worked with international companies like the Monroe Group. Do you think the Monroe Group would bother with us? Don’t forget, the Monroe Group doesn’t lack funds or strength. If they wanted to take on all the projects, it would be more time and energy efficient for Mr. Smith and his group to give the work to one person rather than two.” 

Although Alexander was usually sarcastic in daily life, when it came to work, he was always serious and solemn. 

The issues considered were exceptionally thorough. 

What he said, I was worried about at first too. I paused slightly, and instead of directly answering his question over the phone, I asked, “Do you still remember the boy who saved me when I was kidnapped by Henry?” 

“Sebastian?” He began, puzzled, “What does this have to do with him?” 

“The wealthy friend he was talking about was Daniel.” 

“Daniel?” Alexander’s reaction was just as I had expected, somewhat uncontrollably excited, “You mean that billionaire Daniel from Freyhedge? The CEO of the Monroe Group, Daniel?” 

“Hmm!” I began, my tone aflirmative, “I just found out about this too.” 

After a few seconds of silence, the person across said, “So, you want to talk to Daniel, trying to get the Conner Group and the Monroe Group to collaborate on these projects in the southern district?” 

“Hmm!” I began, “I want to give it a try, regardless of whether it works out or not, I still want to try.” If there was no way to get the project, then I would give up. But now, who could blame me for accidentally knowing Sebastian, and who could blame Sebastian for having a good relationship with Daniel? Since I could take advantage of this relationship, why not give it a try? 


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