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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Why Aren’t You Determined When Stabbing Me? 

I stood quietly next to Carley, listening to her warning in silence. 

Seeing that, she stopped talking, paused, and then said, “Alright then. It’s been a long morning. Go back and get some rest.” 

I could tell that she was asking me to leave. 

I was supposed to stay here for lunch, yet Carley was angry and asked Dale to send me off. Before I left, she specifically said to me, “If nothing, you don’t have to come here from now on.” 

Was she worried that I might come here and hurt Ashley’s baby? 

I nodded and walked away with Dale expressionlessly. 

On my way, I bumped into Walter, who followed me here. Seeing that I was about to leave, he frowned and looked at Dale. “What happened?” 

Dale said as respectfully as always, “Mrs. Carley asked me to send Mrs. Tabatha back.” 

Walter was smart, so he probably figured out that Carley was upset and asked Dale to send me away. He pursed his lips and looked at Dale. “Go look after Grandma. I’ll take her home.” 

Dale paused and hesitated. “If you leave, Mr. Hinton, then Ms. Conner…” 

“The doctor is with her. Nothing can go wrong,” Walter said and pulled me out of the old house. 



In the car, I watched the scenery flash by out the window in a daze. Then I heard Walter’s deep, restrained voice saying, “If you hate me so much, why weren’t you determined when stabbing me?” 

I knew that he was referring to what had happened in the sideyard. I pursed my lips and said lazily, “I haven’t had enough rest lately, and I don’t have enough energy.” 

I heard his chuckle, and my hand was held by his thick broad hand. I frowned, subconsciously wanting to pull my hand away. 

Yet he grabbed me even tighter, and I couldn’t pull it away anyway. I simply gave up. 

Seeing that, he held the steering wheel with one hand and me with the other, and we were silent all the way. 

He didn’t drive back to Water Villa. Instead, he stopped in front of a restaurant. I frowned, and before I opened my mouth, he had already parked the car, looked at me, and said, “Let’s go.” 

Knowing that he wanted to talk to me about something, I followed him into the restaurant. 

We found a quiet comer. After sitting down, he asked the waiter to serve the food and then looked down at the files on his phone. 

I frowned. He brought me here just to eat with me? 

After a long while, he was probably done with the company affairs, and it just so happened that the food was served. He put down his phone, looked at me, and said, “Give it a go. The food here tastes good.” 

He was concise. 

I pressed my lips, not knowing what he wanted to do, so I simply 


lowered my head to eat. The food did taste good, but I had no appetite 

I put down the fork after a few bites, looked at him, and said, “If nothing else, I’m leaving. Mr. Hinton 

He frowned when he saw that I didn’t eat much. “You’ve hurt her, and 

you’ve vented your anger. Tabatha, you’re pregnant with my baby 

Don’t punish yourself by hurting your body. Eat up 

While finishing speaking, he glanced at the food on the table. obviously asking me to continue eating. 


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