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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Rudolf Wants to Be Discharged 

Eileen shook her head and was a bit nervous. “Is there anything else she should tell us?” 

I smiled and comforted her, “No. I was just asking.” 

I figured that Ashley was pushed to the corner, and that was why she got so impatient and tried to use my parents to force me. 

The door of the emergency room was opened, and the doctor came out, asking for family members. 

Eileen hurried forward, and I followed her. The doctor looked at us and said, “The patient is stable for now, but his condition has deteriorated seriously, so his life can be in danger at any time. Spend time with him as long as you can.” 

Eileen turned pale and nodded, her voice choking. She said, “Doctor, he’s always in pain in the middle of the night. Is there any way to make him feel better?” 

The doctor shook his head. “The patient’s body organs have been gradually depleted. All we can do now is give him more time with you. Don’t irritate him again, or… 

His silence suggested it all. 

Eileen pressed her lips and silently shed tears. I was at a loss for a moment and muttered, “When did he get so sick?” 

Eileen looked at me and sobbed, saying, “He knew something was wrong with him a year ago, but you knew how stubborn he was. No matter how I persuaded him, he just wouldn’t come to the hospital for a 


check-up. We wouldn’t have known he was sick if he hadn’t fainted at home last time. During this time in the hospital, he woke up every day in pain, but he never let me tell you anything. Tabatha, don’t be mad at him anymore. Let’s just accompany him so that he can spend the rest of his days without regrets, OK?” 

I pursed my lips, and my heart was in pain. Looking at the sad Eileen, I nodded. 

In the ward, Rudolf didn’t wake up till a long time had passed. He was much more emaciated than the last time I had seen him. His cheeks. were sunken, making him look like a skeleton with a layer of skin. 

Seeing that he was awake, Eileen hurriedly talked to him at once. It was mostly caring words, asking him to take care of his body. He looked at me standing beside the bed. He looked older and weaker than he had been the last time. Back then, he was still cold and stern.. 

“Come here,” he said to me. Then he looked at Eileen. “Go out. I want to talk to Tabatha alone.” 

Eileen was afraid that he and I would quarrel as before, so she looked at me worriedly. Rudolf frowned and said in a deeper voice, “Get out!” 

His cold voice made Eileen tremble in fear. She did not dare to stay here any longer and had to leave the ward in silence. 

It was just me and Rudolf in the ward. 

I looked at him, sat down, and said, “You should be nicer to Mom.” Over the years, he had always been the king who bossed Eileen around, and she had never said no. 

He snorted coldly, looked at me, and said, “It’s not for you to lecture me.” 

I pressed my lips and took a deep breath. Thinking that he didn’t have 


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many days left, I decided not to argue with him. I said, “Tell me now. What do you want to say to me by asking me to stay?” 

He was a bit tired, probably because he had said a few sentences already. He took a deep breath and looked at me. “What is Mrs. Hinton going to do with what happened five years ago?” 

I said truthfully, “She wants me to divorce Walter, but not now. It’ll be in a year. Besides, she won’t make things difficult for either the Conner Group or you.” 

He frowned. “A year? Why?” 

“I’m pregnant,” fiddling with the phone in my hand, I said. 

He was stunned for a second, apparently surprised. After a pause, he asked incredulously, “You’re pregnant?” 


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