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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Proper Arrangements 

I was stupefied for a moment, a little confused, “Why should I hate you?” 

His face darkened a little, his elbow on his leg, approached me in an aggressive posture, and he narrowed his dark eyes slightly. “Ashley is pregnant. Don’t you hate me?” 

I frowned and felt that he was a little weird. I felt a little uneasy, but I said calmly, “It’s not hate. We got married, and it was just a deal. Although we lived for two years and got used to each other, we didn’t love each other. So, there’s no hate. But there are grievances. Walter, you could have told me what happened between you in advance. If I had known about your relationship, I would have made plans earlier, and I wouldn’t have come to a dilemma today.” 

“Make plans earlier?” Walter hooked his lips and his eyebrows were a little cold. “What’s the plan? Divorce me? Or will you look for someone else earlier?” 

“Walter!” I was a little angry and frowned at him, feeling that he had gone too far. “Who are you to mock me? Am I not good enough? As your wife, you didn’t come home at night for Ashley. You let her get pregnant and let her bully me again and again. What did I do? She lives in the old house aboveboard. Did I say no? What else do you want me to do? You can tell me! There is no need to play dumb riddles with me here!” 

I wanted to quarrel with him hysterically, but I knew it was useless, so I suppressed my discontent and ignored everything around me as if I were an idiot. 

But why did Walter still have to torment me?” 



Walter did not rush to respond to me but looked at me silently. His eyes were deep and introverted. I couldn’t see any emotion. It seemed that what I just said was nonsense. 

After a few minutes, he said, “You’re a qualified daughter-in-law of the Hinton family. But, Tabatha, you’re my wife.” 

I sneered, “So?” 

Walter suddenly reached out and grabbed my face, hoarse and flirting, “You can do whatever you want. You can make a scene, cry, and let me stay.” 

Frowning, I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t help but look at Walter and say, “Are you losing your mind?” What did he mean by making a scene, crying, and letting him stay? 

Instead of answering me, he loosened me, sat up straight, and said, “You don’t have to worry about Ashley. When she gives birth to a baby, I will make proper arrangements for her future. Tabatha, all you have to do is trust me unconditionally, okay?” 

I pursed my lips. I did not understand him. Proper arrangements? How proper? What were the arrangements? How could he arrange for a woman who gave birth to a descendant of the Hinton family? He could keep her outside. 

Haha. He thought I was really magnanimous. Did he really think that I could turn a blind eye to let him keep a mistress? 

Suppressing my anger, I gasped and tried to calm myself down. “It’s your business how you will arrange it. There’s no need to talk to me about it.” 

All I had to do was wait eight months. When Ashley gave birth, I would be able to leave. I didn’t care how he wanted to arrange it. 


Then I got up to go upstairs, he blocked me first, frowning slightly and helplessly, “Tabatha, didn’t you hear me?” 

I didn’t want to talk to him and say, “Listen, I’ll trust you. You can do whatever you want, so can you let me go back and have a rest?” 

was just ignoring everything for eight months! I could endure it! 

He sighed, probably knowing that I didn’t want to listen to him go on when he saw my reaction. He paused slightly and said, “Be careful about the Conner Group’s CFO.” 


I was dumbfounded. Then I nodded and went back to my room. 


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