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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40 What Do You Speak to My Father? 

I stood up after hesitating for a moment and said nothing. Although my mother looked delicate, no one could change her mind if she had made a decision. 

As soon as I walked out of the hospital, I found that it was increasingly cold in River City. The sun rode high in the sky, but I couldn’t help feeling chilly. I got in the car and started it. Just then, a feeling of uneasiness came over me. 

I hesitated for a moment before following my instinct and getting out of the car. I was worried about my mother. She must have been very sad about my father’s death. I’d better not leave her alone. 

then went back to the hospital. 

As my mother was no longer in her chair, I asked a few people about her, and learned that she had gone to the ward where my father had been. Had she gone to pack up his belongings? 

Just as I reached the ward, I heard my mother’s cold voice from inside. She asked, “Ashley, what did you say to your father?” 

Ashley replied innocently, “Mom, what do you mean by that? I don’t understand.” 

My mother held back her anger and asked in a deep voice, “Stop acting up! Rudolf was fine when I left in the morning. You must have said something to irritate him, or he would not have spat out the blood. The doctor said that he needed to stay calm. Why did you make him angry on purpose?” 

Ashley sounded a little aggrieved. She said, “Mom, you got me wrong. 


We did not intend to annoy him. Walter told him I was pregnant and wanted a divorce from Tabatha. We just wished that he could agree with that…” 

There was a crisp slap, and then my mother’s growl. She shouted, “You bitch! You are shameless!” 

I stood outside the ward, lost in thought at their exchange. Had Walter said those words to my father? 


My father was ill. How could Walter goad him like this? 

My mother got engulfed in hysterics in the ward and started to beat and scold Ashley. I found it unbelievable. How could Walter say those words to my father? 

I regained my senses at the sound of a sharp cry. It was Ashley being pushed to the ground by my mother and screaming with her hands over her belly. 

I was shocked for a moment before I looked into the ward. The blood. on the inside of Ashley’s leg came into view. Instantly, I realized that something bad had happened and shouted in my mind, “Her baby!” 

Before I could rush in, a man ran past me. 

It was Walter. 

He ran to Ashley and was about to help her stand up. 

As soon as Ashley saw him, she burst into tears and caught him by the corner of his coat. She said with her face racked with pain, “Walter, help me! My baby…” 

Walter’s face turned sullen as he noticed the blood on the inside of her 

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leg. In an instant, he picked her up horizontally and shouted out of the ward, “Doctor!” 

When he ran past me, his gaze landed on me. 

I stared at him and wanted to say something. However, he directly left with Ashley in his arms. 

I stood in place watching his anxious back and couldn’t help feeling 


My mother came trembling up to me. She asked with a pale face, “Tabatha, is she bleeding?” 

I looked away from Walter’s back and tried hard to maintain calm. I shook my head at my mother. “Don’t worry. She will be fine.” 


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