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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 He Stepped in to Help Me 

I knew it was just words, they would definitely ignore me. I paused and then said, “One month, give me one month. If I still can’t figure out where the money went in this month, I voluntarily give up all the shares of the Conner Group under my name, as well as those of my father and my mother. I can sign a contract for these promises. If I can’t find out the truth after a month, you can execute it immediately.” 

Hearing my words, several people exchanged glances, and for a moment, no one spoke. After a while, Benjamin looked at me and said, “Tabatha, listen to my advice. Once you give up this share, your situation will be difficult in the future. We can be considered friends with your father, and we won’t make things difficult for you at this time. Let’s put an end to the matter of Bright Media. We will initiate a betting agreement and at the same time retain your one-vote decision- making power. How about it?” 

“If you add another ten percent of the Hinton Group’s shares, would you all agree to give my wife a month’s time?” The conference room door was pushed open, and Walter, dressed in black, walked in. 

The sudden sound startled several shareholders. Then Jack stood up, walked towards Walter, and extended his hand for a handshake, saying subtly, “Mr. Hinton, nice to meet you.” 

Walter shook hands with him, then spoke, “Ladies and Gentlemen, could you please consider what I just said?” 

Everyone was stunned. Ten percent of the shares in the Hinton Group, that was no small amount. Jack, who seldom spoke, opened his mouth and said, “Mr. Hinton, are you joking with us?” 

Walter looked up, his words clear, “I can make a written agreement 



matter in a 

month, then you can find me according to the agreement. With the agreement, if I renege, you can sue me, can’t you?” 

After a moment of silence, Jack spoke, “Mr. Hinton has said his piece. If we still refuse to cooperate, it would seem we lack tact. Fine, with Mr. Hinton here, it’s just a matter of a month. Ms. Conner, we hope you won’t disappoint us. 

Seeing Jack speak like this, the other shareholders also chimed in for a 


Having seen off all the shareholders, only Walter and I were left in the conference room. I didn’t speak, just gathered all the materials, ready to leave. Walter’s tall figure blocked my way out. 

I looked up at him, sneering, “Something you need, Mr. Hinton?” 

Looking at me, he furrowed his brows slightly, somewhat helpless, “Tabatha, aren’t you going to say something to me?” 

Looking at him coldly, I couldn’t help but sneer, “What did you say? Did I ask for your help? Mr. Hinton, don’t tell me you think your actions just now were cool?” I moved closer to him, lowering my voice to a mocking whisper, “Do you really think you played the hero and saved the damsel in distress?” 

He furrowed his brows, a hint of anger in his voice, “Tabatha!” 

“Mr. Hinton, there’s no need to raise your voice, I can hear you just fine.” Leaning against the conference table, I looked up at him, my voice cold. “Even if Mr. Hinton hadn’t shown up today, I would have found a way to convince the shareholders to give me a month’s time. So, Walter, I won’t be feeling any gratitude for your intervention.” 

He pursed his lips, didn’t argue with me, just looked at me and said, “Grandma wants you to go to the old house.” 




I actually forgot about this. Carley had called in the morning, and because of my father’s situation, I just put it out of my mind. 

Hearing him speak, I took a breath and nodded, “I understand.” 


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