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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5 We Are Married

I stopped, breathing hard. My fingertips went deep into my palm, and the pain made my scalp tingle.

Ashley walked up to me, looked at me mockingly with folded hands, and continued, “For so many years, Dad couldn’t accept you because of your filthy past. If Walter knew what happened to you five years ago, would he still let you stay at the Hinton’s place?”

Would he?

I didn’t know.

After a long time, I collected myself and calmed down. I looked at her coldly and said, “Ashley, if I don’t do something to you now, I will be very unhappy.”

She paused, stared at me warily, and said, “What … do you want?”

I smiled, and then my face turned cold. I went to the laboratory window and picked up a measuring cup that a man had just put down. Without waiting for Ashley to react, I poured the pale yellow liquid from the measuring cup over her. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to disgust her.

Ashley screamed, being caught off guard. The liquid was all over her face. When she realized what the yellowish liquid was, she stopped acting arrogant in front of me and ran straight to the bathroom, retching.

I felt better watching her leave. I put the measuring cup in the man’s hand and said, “Sorry. You might have to hold it in again.”

The man had yet to react. He gawked at the empty measuring cup, muttering, “My piss…”

I felt good finally.

I took a deep breath and was about to leave. Yet the second I turned around, I saw a man standing at the lobby door.

He wore an expensive bespoke suit and polished black shoes, and his face was aloof and cold. Though he was standing far away, I couldn’t help but think of the word “dignified”.

When did he get here?

I wanted to pretend that I didn’t see him, but that wouldn’t work, as he was already coming towards me. He stood in front of me, looking at me from a commanding position, without moving at all.

I was a bit flustered because of his stare. “If you feel bad for her, feel free to do the same to me.”

He seemed to chuckle. He picked up my sleeve, looked at my hand, and said, “Aren’t you disgusted?”

I looked at my fair hand, and then raised my head and said, “I didn’t touch it.”

Walter frowned, and there was clear disgust on his handsome face. “Go wash your hands!”

I didn’t bother to respond to him. I grabbed a tissue at the information desk, wiped my hands, looked at him, and said, “Ashley is in the bathroom. She’s probably retching now. I have something to do, so I’m leaving.”

Yet before I could take a few steps, someone pulled me.


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