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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 The Man from Five Years Ago Appeared 

After speaking, he directly kicked the woman in the chest. The woman, who was already thin, was kicked and fell backwards, landing in a very embarrassing manner. 

She was hit, but the woman showed no reaction. Instead, she got up and pleaded with the man, “Owen, I beg you, I haven’t had a hit for several days. Please have mercy on me, give me a hit. If you give me one, I promise I’ll leave immediately and won’t bother you.” 

Saying this, she crawled towards the man again. 

Seeing her like this, the man disgustingly pulled out a knife from his bosom, pointing at her ominously, “Not planning on leaving, are you?” 

Seeing this, the woman was so frightened that she dared not approach. She got up and staggered away. 

Judging by the situation, I had no intention of staying longer and was preparing to find the exit to leave. However, just as I was about to avert my gaze, I inadvertently caught sight of the snake pattern on the knife in the man’s hand. My brain buzzed, and some familiar memories suddenly surged in my mind. 

I recognized that knife. Five years ago, in a hotel in Deston City, that man had held this very knife against my throat, threatening me that if I dared to scream, he would slit my vein and let me bleed to death. 

The snake pattern on that knife handle was etched deeply into my mind, I would never forget it even in death. 

Suppressing the surging emotions in my heart, I watched as the man who was polishing shoes put away his knife. After looking around, he 



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picked up his shoe-polishing tools and got up, heading towards the alley on his right. 

That face, I saw it clearly, that dark face with indistinct contours, it was him! 


I will never forget in my lifetime, it was this man who pushed me into hell, almost killed me at the border, and made it impossible for me to return forever. 

I had been searching for him for five years, a full five years, dreaming of finding him. I wanted him to explain everything that had happened that year, word by word, to everyone, to clarify what exactly had happened. 

I wanted him to tell my father personally that I had never been willful. 

Five years had passed, and to my surprise, God allowed me to see him here. This time, I wouldn’t let him escape, even if it killed me. 

Thinking of this, I lifted my leg and followed. However, I had only taken a few steps when I was suddenly pulled into an alleyway. 

I thought I was being watched, almost screamed in fright, only to realize upon looking up that it was Walter. Seeing it was him, I didn’t bother to say much, I pushed him aside and continued to chase after. 

He held me, his voice low, “Tabatha, are you trying to get yourself killed, chasing after a fugitive?” 

I paused for a moment, looking at him and asked, “How did you know he was a fugitive?” 

He glanced in the direction where the man had disappeared before releasing me, and said, “He had a knife on him, and that shoebox was 



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full of opium. Why would you follow someone like that?” 

I hadn’t paid attention to what was in that shoe box, but when Walter reminded me, I did recall. Owen had been engaging in illegal activities inland all along, abducting young girls, smuggling and trafficking. He was involved in all these things. 

So, the woman who was just begging him on her knees, was a drug addict. 

No wonder he was skin and bones. 

But even so, what of it? I had been searching for him for five years, and now that I’ve finally found him, to let him just walk away like this, I can’t accept it. 

Thinking of this, I pushed Walter away, coldly saying, “My business, doesn’t need your concern.” 

After saying that, I continued to follow in the direction Owen had left. 


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