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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Was He Your Man? 

Listening to my complaints, Alexander didn’t respond. He glanced at me and said, “Based on all the information we currently have, we can call the police now. We just don’t know how much of the money that Thomas took can be recovered.” 

I didn’t think much at the moment, I directly dialed the police, reporting Thomas for the illegal misappropriation of public funds. 

After receiving the call, the police station immediately set off. Meanwhile, Alexander and I also left the coffee shop, preparing to go to Bright Media to check the situation. 

But as soon as I left the coffee shop, I ran into Walter coming out of the Conner Group building. Seeing him, I was somewhat surprised. After leaving the hospital that day, I hadn’t seen him again. Firstly, I was busy investigating Bright Media, genuinely busy. Secondly, I had been thinking about how to discuss our divorce, and had been intentionally avoiding him. 

He was preoccupied with Ashley, just as Carley had said, he didn’t have much time to pay attention to me. 

Somewhat unexpectedly, I didn’t think I would run into him here. 

Seeing me suddenly freeze, Alexander, who was standing by my side, naturally noticed Walter as well. He raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his handsome lips as he asked, “Is this your man?” 

Alexander’s style was blunt and rough, I had gotten used to it. 

She pursed her lips, ignored him, and said, “The police should be at Bright Media by now, let’s go.” 



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After speaking, I headed straight for the parking lot. 

But before I had taken a few steps, Walter was already blocking my path. His dark eyes swept over Alexander, his expression unreadable. He directly grabbed my wrist and said, “Come with me.” 

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for my response, he directly grabbed me and started walking towards his car. 

I didn’t know what he was up to, but I was indeed busy at the moment. I quickly stopped in my tracks, trying to pry his hand off, frowning and saying, “Mr. Hinton, we can talk another day if there’s something. I’m busy now, let go of me.” 

The man was strong, almost effortlessly half-lifting me into his arms, disregarding whatever I said, and headed towards the side of the car. 

I got anxious and turned to Alexander, who was standing by with his arms folded, shouting, “Alexander, stop gawking and help!” 

Seeing me speak, Alexander quickly stepped in front of Walter. The two men were of similar height. Alexander looked at Walter and said, “Mr. Hinton, Ms. Conner is not very willing to go with you. You are forcing her against her will.” 

Walter’s dark eyes swept over him, his voice low as he said, “Move aside.” 

Upon seeing this, Alexander looked at me, a helpless expression on his face. “Ms. Conner,” he said, “he seems a bit fierce. Why don’t you just go with him, and I’ll handle the Bright Media situation?” 


This man had grown so tall for nothing. 

I gave him a disdainful look, annoyed, “Listen to yourself, is that even 



human to say? If he was a human trafficker, would you just stand by and do nothing?” 

He, however, casually crossed his arms and said, “He’s handsome, so the chances of him being a human trafficker are slim. Besides, I just asked you, he’s your man. I’ve never experienced this kind of situation where two men fight over one woman, so I’m not very good at it.” 

The day had gone to the dogs, and for a moment, I was rendered speechless. 

“Had enough of chatting?” Walter began, casting a gloomy glance at Alexander, and said with a frown, “I didn’t expect the investment genius of Walling Street to condescend to the Conner Group. It’s quite surprising.” 

Alexander’s eyes lit up as he said, “Am I already so famous? Mr. Hinton actually knows me, that’s great.” After speaking, he looked at me, took a step to the side, and said, “You take her away, I won’t stop you.” 


Did people nowadays really have no bottom line? 


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