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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 He Feared I Would Miss You 

The massive Conner Group, once its funding was cut off, faced the risk of having to halt all operations. The Conner Group was completely put in a passive position. 

Thinking of this, I looked at Alexander and said, “The Conner Group now, might be beyond redemption, you…” 

“When will my appointment be announced?” Alexander spoke, his dark eyes coldly looking at me. He was handsome, and whenever he looked at others, he always gave off a sense of disdain. 

Upon hearing his words, I was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously asking, “You’ve decided to stay?” 

He frowned, a look of displeasure on his face, “What? After dragging me around the market to help you, you’re ready to discard me? Tabatha, you’re treating me like a rag, aren’t you?” 

I quickly shook my head, “Of course not, alright, I will immediately have your uncle announce your appointment as the CEO of the Conner Group.” 

Before, I didn’t understand Alexander’s situation. I thought that without clarifying the whereabouts of those thirty million dollars, those shareholders would disagree with him serving as the president. 

But upon hearing Walter’s evaluation of him, I deliberately looked up Alexander’s information and found out that he was indeed a genius, and he was recognized as an investment genius among the geniuses on Walling Street, which is full of geniuses. Such a talent joining the Conner Group was something the old shareholders could only dream of, so naturally, they wouldn’t say much. 



Hearing my words, Alexander finally seemed satisfied. He glanced past me towards Walter, who was following me out of the car, and frowned, “Your man is indeed quite handsome, I quite like him.” 


I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes, unconsciously looking down at him. My lips twitched as I said, “What a pity, such a handsome young man.” 

Seeing my gaze wander where it shouldn’t, he clicked his tongue, subconsciously shielding his lower body. He raised his hand and harshly knocked on my forehead, saying, “Get rid of all that nonsense in your head, I like women, I’m straight.” 

I was hit by him so hard that it hurt. I couldn’t help but cover my forehead, looking at him and saying, “And you just keep on praising another man for being handsome?” 

He looked at me with a face full of disdain, speechless, “You, Miss Conner, who has received higher education, are you brainwashed? You allow women to appreciate beautiful women, but not men to appreciate men? What’s wrong with complimenting something pleasing” to the eye?” 

This statement did make sense for a moment. 

I was speechless and couldn’t refute. Seeing Walter had already come to our side, I couldn’t help but look at Alexander and said, “What’s so good to look at? If you like to look at beautiful things, you can just look in the mirror when you go home every day. That’s enough to feast your eyes.” 

He snorted, his face full of arrogance, “No need for your reminder, I know I’m very handsome.” 

I feigned a smile and said, “Yeah, you are indeed very handsome.” 



Hearing something off in these words, Alexander was about to say something more, but then he saw Walter already standing behind me. He turned to Walter and said, “Mr. Hinton, we meet again.” 

Walter looked at him, his thin lips slightly pursed, and responded with a lukewarm “Hmm”. 

He then glanced at me and said, “In mythology, the narcissistic god Narcissus ended up dying by the water and turning into a daffodil. Your father didn’t let him into the Conner Group just to let you waste time nurturing a daffodil.” 

For a moment, I didn’t react. It was Alexander who looked displeased and said, “Mr. Hinton, do I have a grudge against you? Isn’t it inappropriate to speak ill of me like this?” 

Walter glanced at him and said, “Since you’ve joined the Conner Group, do what you’re supposed to do.” 

After speaking, he looked at me again and said, “I’ll come to pick you up later, don’t work too hard. Too much stress is not good for you or the baby.” 


Watching Walter leave, I was utterly balled. 

Alexander clicked his tongue, not too pleased, and said, “Did my good looks bother him? He even used the narcissist from mythology to belittle me, is it so great to be well-read?” 

I withdrew my gaze, glanced up at Alexander, didn’t say much. Walter, as always, insulted people without using any swear words. 


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