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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 It’s Not That I Can’t Be a Son-in-law! 

“Tabatha, I just heard from Alexander that he has recently returned from abroad and has been staying in a hotel all this time. I thought about it and decided to invite him to stay at our place. It would be convenient, I could cook for you both regularly. Plus, with your pregnancy, it would be good to have an adult male around to help out. What do you think?” 

My mother interrupted my thoughts, beginning to speak. 

I paused, involuntarily looking at Alexander, somewhat puzzled. What had he discussed with my mother that would lead her to make such a suggestion? 

Alexander didn’t even look at me. I felt helpless and said to my mother, “Mom, maybe Mr. Borseth is used to living alone. He might not be comfortable living in our house.” 

“Why aren’t you used to it?” Mother began, continuing, “Alexander, this child, was raised by your father and me. When he was in school, I wanted him to live with us, but unfortunately, he was doing well and went abroad, so we didn’t have that chance. Now he’s back, we’re family, it’s good to live together, isn’t it, Alexander?” 

Alexander nodded, smiling, “Hmm, Auntie Eileen is right. I’ve always wanted to eat your cooking every day. I used to think about it, and now that I’m back, I’ve finally realized it.” 


How did we end up becoming a family just by chatting? 

What was the situation before? 

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I was a bit confused, looking at my mother, I asked, “Mom, did you know Mr. Borseth before?” 

Mother nodded, serving Alexander some food, “Alexander is the child. your father and I have been sponsoring for over twenty years. We never mentioned this to you, 

so it’s normal that you didn’t know.” 

So that’s what happened! 

No wonder my father had problems, the Conner Group was so difficult. Even a genius investor like him chose to stay, this explains a lot of things. 

Seeing the situation, I didn’t say much more. I looked at my mother and said, “Mom, you should mainly consider Mr. Borseth’s opinion, I’m fine with anything.” 

Upon hearing this, Mother immediately said, “Alright, then it’s settled.” After she finished speaking, she looked at Alexander and said, “Alexander, you pack up. I’ll have Cory arrange for someone to help you move your things over. Your room has already been prepared.” 

Alexander nodded in agreement with a smile. 

After dinner, the backyard. 

I leaned against the railing of the pavilion, looking at Alexander, and asked, “So, you gave up a promising future to join the Conner Group, was it to repay a favor?” 

He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t deny my words. He said, “Yes and no. If it wasn’t for Rudolf back then, I might not even have had the chance to go to school, let alone go abroad. So, if he needs help, I naturally won’t stand by and do nothing. However, I also want to make a name 



for myself in my home country. If I can revive the half-dead Conner Group, that would also be an achievement.” 

I nodded, not saying anything more. 

Regarding Alexander, what I knew most about were his achievements in business. As for his personal life, including his upbringing, I had never delved into. However, these were his private matters, and it would be somewhat impolite to pry too much, so I didn’t continue to ask anything. 

Taking a breath, I still looked at him and said, “Thank you anyway.” 

He clicked his tongue, probably annoyed by my nagging, and changed the subject, “From what I heard from Auntie Eileen earlier, it seems. like you’re going to stay with the Conner family indefinitely?” 


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