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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Mother Asked Us to Divorce 

If possible, my mom probably wouldn’t want to see these two people in her life again. 

Hearing me say this, Walter pursed his lips, and began, “On the day of the funeral…” 

“Ah…” A scream suddenly came from upstairs. Walter didn’t finish his sentence, he was already sprinting towards the upstairs. 

I stood still, couldn’t help but give a bitter smile. Walter’s muscular reaction really showed how much he cared about Ashley. 

Suppressing the bitterness in my heart, I followed them upstairs. In the corridor, Ashley was screaming in Walter’s arms, her voice filled with panic, “Walter, there’s a thief in the house.” 

The thief she referred to, of course, was Alexander, who was wrapped in a bath towel, revealing most of his body. Startled by her exaggerated reaction, Alexander opened his mouth awkwardly, trying to explain. 

Seeing me catch up, he walked over to me, his face embarrassed, saying, “Sorry, I mainly wanted to ask you, do you have a hairdryer at home? I didn’t expect there to be others at home.” 

I nodded, looked at Ashley’s exaggerated reaction and Walter’s gloomy face, didn’t say much, just said to Alexander, “Yes, I’ll go find it for you.” 

After speaking, I went into the bedroom and fetched a hairdryer for Alexander. Alexander took the hairdryer, glanced at Ashley who was leaning on Walter, then looked at Walter with a dark face, and then looked at me again. The corner of his mouth twitched as he said, “This 



relationship seems a bit complicated, huh?” 

I gave him a glance and said, “Go blow your hair.” 

He gave an awkward laugh, then headed to another bedroom. After only a few steps, he turned back to look at Walter and said, “Mr. Hinton, would you believe me if I said the reason I’m taking a bath here and dressed like this is because of a minor accident?” 

Walter’s face was stern, his dark eyes fixed on him without a flicker. He didn’t speak, but the murderous intent seeping through his ominous gaze was enough to indicate, he didn’t believe! 

Judging from the situation, Alexander probably felt that his words were spoken in vain. He shrugged and said, “Forget it, no more explanations. I’m going to blow-dry my hair.” 

After Alexander entered the bedroom, Ashley reluctantly stood up straight from Walter’s arms and looked at me, saying, “Tabatha, how can you casually bring men home? Do you have any shame?” 

I laughed, “You’re already lying in my man’s arms, compared to you, I’m still a bit inferior. Also, Mr. Borseth has a great figure. If you want to look, you can do so openly. There’s no need to hide in your Walter’s arms and sneak peeks. Your pretentious behavior is an eyesore.” 

“Tabatha, you’re talking nonsense!” Exposed, Ashley was so anxious that she was almost jumping up. 

I ignored her and went downstairs. 

Walter followed behind me, his expression cold. He stopped me after a few steps and asked, “Why did you bring Alexander back to the Conner family?” 

I sneered, “This is my home. Do I need to report to you who I bring back?” 


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