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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Abagail Died 

Walter gave him a cold glance and said indifferently, “If Mr. Borseth can be here, why can’t I?” 

Alexander was mute. 

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. If I were to climb over the wall again at this moment, there would be no way to justify it. 

The doctors who were originally standing there did have discernment. Seeing that they all knew each other, they didn’t ask anything and just left. 

Only a middle-aged doctor was left. Upon understanding, I realized he was the director of this hospital. 

Hearing that we had climbed over the wall to find someone, he was somewhat amused and frustrated for a moment. Looking at me, he said, “Mrs. Hinton, if you wanted to come here to find someone, you could have just notified me. Climbing over the wall like this, it makes my place seem like some sort of crime scene.” 

I chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed. Had I known I could get in through Walter’s connections, I certainly wouldn’t have chosen to climb over the wall and make things hard for myself. 

It’s hard to say about this matter, I just laughed., 

Walter glanced at me, then turned to Dylan, the head of the hospital, “Mr. Martinez, could we take a look at all the patients here?” 

Knowing that we were looking for someone, Dylan nodded and led us into the mental hospital building. 




Because of the sound I had unintentionally heard before, I headed straight for that floor after entering the building. 

I found the ward where I had heard the sound. I looked at Dylan and asked, “Mr. Martinez, could you open the ward door, please?” 

Dylan looked at me, then at Walter, and said, “Mr. Hinton, Mrs. Hinton, most of the patients in this building suffer from severe mental illnesses. If they have an episode, they could harm others. For your safety, perhaps it would be best to confirm from outside, what do you think?” 

Hearing this, I pursed my lips, fell silent for a moment, nodded, and said no more. I looked through the small window on the door of the ward into the room. Inside the ward, there was only a small bed, along with some simple toiletries and a change of clothes. 

The person lying there, motionless, dressed, it was unclear whether they were asleep or not. 

Judging by the situation. I uncertainly called out, “Abagail,” into the 


The person inside was covered with a blanket, motionless, and their appearance was unclear. I called out several times, but there was still no movement. For a moment, I wasn’t sure if they were asleep or if something had happened. 

Looking back at Dylan, he also paused for a moment, fearing trouble, he ordered someone to open the door. Upon entering, they saw that the person lying on the bed was indeed Abagail after the quilt was removed. Her face was pale and there was a lot of white foam around her mouth. 

Seeing this situation, the dean was also stunned. He hurried to check on Abagail’s condition. However, as soon as he reached out to feel 



Abagail’s breath, he froze completely. 

Seeing his reaction, my heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. 

Afterwards, Dylan said with a slightly trembling voice, “He’s not breathing!” 

“What?” Alexander was somewhat surprised, disbelievingly reaching out to check Abagail’s breath. After not detecting any sign of breathing, he frowned, looking at Dylan and said, “Mr. Martinez, what’s going on? A perfectly fine person just disappears, is this some kind of shady business?” 

Dylan was also a bit stunned, and hurriedly said, “Everything was fine this morning, I really don’t know what happened!” 

Saying this, he quickly took out his phone to call and contact the doctor and nurse in charge of this floor. 

Walter had remained silent, his dark eyes studying Abagail for a moment before his brows furrowed slightly. 

Seeing his reaction, I asked, “What’s wrong?” 

“She must have taken something.” Walter spoke. 

Alexander gave him a glance, “Isn’t it obvious? He’s been spitting up so much foam, he must have eaten something he shouldn’t have.” 

Walter raised an eyebrow, but didn’t argue with him. 

A moment. 

“Mr. Martinez, what’s wrong? What happened?” The doctor in charge. of this floor arrived quickly, panting heavily as he asked Dylan. From his appearance, it seemed he had run over. 

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