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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Mr. Hinton Has a Car Accident

I was stunned for a few seconds and only came back to my senses after sensing the pain in the corner of my mouth which came from his biting. I tried to push him away, but the difference in strength between men and women was obvious, and my strength was no match for his at all.

“Aren’t you disgusted, Walter?” My voice was hoarse as I struggled.

It seemed that my words worked. He stopped, his thin lips slightly swollen and sexy. He looked at me and said nothing.

I looked at him, took a breath, and said, “Is that what you do to Ashley when you are with her? You force her whenever you can’t win her over an argument?”

“Disgusted?” He looked at me, his face utterly gloomy. Regardless of my discomfort, he lifted my coat corners, stroked my abdomen, rubbed the ferocious scar on my belly with his rough fingers, looked at me mockingly, and sneered, “You’re right. It’s quite disgusting.”

I was frozen in situ as if struck by lightning. Instantly, the pain from my heart was killing me and suffocating me. Someone had the ability to crush others with a single sentence.

He knew my exact sore spot, so he always succeeded.

I used to be so disgusted with this terrible scar on my belly. It was a constant reminder of how stupid I was at 18.

I tried to grin, but I couldn’t. Looking at the cold man in front of me, I opened my mouth but found myself unable to say anything.

I didn’t even have the strength to look at him or listen to his sneering. I pushed him away.

Seeing that I was leaving, he tried to reach out and pull me, but I dodged aside. Perhaps it was my illusion. I felt that he was panicking a bit. He said, “I…”

I didn’t hear the rest, as I had already fled from the study.

I was in the bedroom.

Lying in bed, I was a little in a daze, feeling weak all over. How did I spend those six months at the border? Life there was filled with killing, squalor, and mayhem…

Some of the past was destructive enough just by recalling it.

I got up, went to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and let the cold water wash over my numb body, regaining my sanity and clarity little by little.

The night was filled with endless nightmares.

The next day, I was awakened by the bell ringing downstairs. After a terrible night, I had a great headache. I staggered and opened the door only to see a very anxious man outside. It was Roy.


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