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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Ezra 

I didn’t expect him to ask that, I was momentarily stunned, unconsciously clenching my hands. 

Seeing my reaction, he poured me a cup of tea and began, “We found you in a mountain villager’s home in Brokeback Mountain years ago. Your mental and physical condition were not very good at that time, so we didn’t record your half-year experience at the border when we took your statement. Now, five years have passed, and your condition has improved a lot. Ms. Conner, can you tell me what you experienced during that half year at the border? How did you manage to escape from those ruthless killers?” 

I gripped my hands tightly, my body shaking uncontrollably. I took a slight breath, forcing myself to calm down. I looked at him and asked, “Lucas, does this have anything to do with the case you’re investigating now?” 

He nodded, looking at me and said, “We followed Owen’s lead and found a person…” He didn’t finish his sentence, but paused for a while before looking at me and saying, “Someone, you should know.” 

I knew who he was talking about. Uncontrollable memories from five years ago began to assault me – bloody, violent, disgusting, terrifying, scene after scene started to overwhelm me! 

Seeing my uncontrollable trembling, he expressed some concern, “Ms. Conner, are you alright?” 

I nodded, forcing myself to calm down. It had been five years, I couldn’t hold on to it for a lifetime. 

Looking at Lucas, I suppressed my fear and asked, “Was it Ezra?” 



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Lucas nodded, “It’s him, he’s the adopted son of a warlord, in charge of the South Afcoria region. After Owen took you out of the country back then, he should have handed you over to him, right?” 

I nodded, five years had passed, this man, who was like a devil, was so terrifying that just thinking of him would make one’s scalp tingle. 

Lucas looked at me, paused, and asked, “Have you seen him?” 

I still nodded. 

At this, Lucas asked excitedly, “If you see him again, would you be able to recognize him?” 

I nodded, looking at him, not understanding what he was trying to say. 

Seeing me like this, he began, “Ezra is elusive, not many people have seen his face. We only know his name, but not his appearance. If you can recognize him, perhaps, for us, it would be a very important clue.” 

Indeed, many people had never seen Ezra. Those who had, were mostly dead, or had been blinded by him. Walter was one of those who had been blinded by them. 

Taking a deep breath and suppressing my emotions, I looked at Lucas and said, “I indeed met him, but after experiencing so much that year, I forced myself to forget many things. Besides, it’s been five years, his appearance is very vague in my mind.” 

The experiences from five years ago had once made me collapse, so my mental state had been abnormal ever since I returned to my country. If it weren’t for the fact that I was a daughter of the Conner family, and my parents had the money and time to treat me, I might have already become insane by now. 

Over the years, my experience at the border sometimes seemed crystal clear to me, yet at other times, I felt as if I remembered nothing at all. 

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