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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 Expelling the Conner Family 

The cold wind was howling in the yard, and I, was at a loss. 

I stood in the yard for a moment before entering the villa. After talking for a long time, it all ended up being pointless because of a child. 

In the villa, Ashley’s belongings were placed in the living room and Ashley had changed her clothes. Her mother had a stern expression and remained silent. 

Seeing Walter return to the villa, Ashley went up to greet him, her eves red. 

She didn’t say anything, but her expression clearly showed that she had been wronged. 

Seeing her like this, Walter furrowed his brows, “What’s wrong?” he asked, his gaze briefly sweeping over the things Ashley had packed up. 

Tears welled up in Ashley’s eyes, she choked up slightly, looking at Walter, she said, “Walter, I… I don’t have a home anymore.” 

Walter frowned, his dark eyes looking at his mother in confusion. 

Mother didn’t look at him, instead she turned her gaze towards me. Seeing my face was frozen red, she wrapped the prepared cloak around me and led me to sit by the fireplace to warm up. 

Of course, I noticed the unusual behavior between my mother and Ashley. Looking at my mother, I asked, “Mom, what’s this?” 

My mother patted my hand, signaling to me that everything was fine. She then looked at Walter and Ashley, calmly saying, “I’ve said what 


needed to be said. Ashley, I’ve raised you for over twenty years, the Conner family has never mistreated you, nor do we owe you anything. From now on, you are no longer part of the Conner family.” 

After speaking, he looked at Walter and said, “Walter, regarding your situation with Tabatha, as an elder, I shouldn’t interfere. But as a mother, I can’t bear to see my child being wronged. When we entrusted Tabatha to you, we hoped that you would treat her well. But now it seems that you may not be able to do so. I don’t blame you for this. Since you have someone you want to take care of, then our Tabatha will have nothing to do with you in the future. It’s most dignified for people to part on good terms. I think you understand this. Thank you for taking care of Tabatha these past two years. As for the Hinton family, I will communicate with Carley. I won’t keep you here tonight.” 

Mother had said all that needed to be said, and had also given the order to leave. 

Ashley was crying, her tears falling like rain, as she looked at her mother and said, “Mom, if you don’t want me to stay with the Conner family, I’ll follow your arrangements. But I really haven’t done anything to hurt Tabatha, you’ve misunderstood me, you’re biased against me, and I’ve endured all of that. But Walter hasn’t done anything wrong, you can’t treat him like this.” 

Mother wanted to say something else, but I held her back, stood up, and looked at Ashley, asking, “Ashley, are you sure you want to stay with the Conner family?” 

She furrowed her brows, her face darkening, “What do you mean?” 

I smiled and said indifferently, “Stop acting, or you’ll miss the opportunity.” 

After speaking, I glanced at Walter, meeting his gloomy gaze. Without saying anything more, I turned around and went upstairs. 



Driven away by her mother, Ashley couldn’t have been happier, otherwise how could she find an excuse to cling to Walter? Her hypocritical complaints were nothing more than to highlight how pitiful she was. I was disgusted by her behavior and couldn’t stand her acting. 

I had barely returned to my bedroom when the sound of a car leaving echoed from the yard. Without a doubt, I knew it was Walter and Ashley who had left. 

“Knock, knock!” There was a knocking sound coming from the bedroom door. 


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