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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 The Consequence of Being Love-Struck 

Speaking of father, mother’s tears would also overflow. 

This was completely out of helplessness at the time, and I also knew that they were particularly looking forward to this child in their hearts. 

Taking a slight breath, I looked at my mother and said, “Mom, I know I was wrong about this, but at that time, I had no other choice. I’m sorry, I didn’t even think that the child in Ashley’s belly wasn’t Walter’s. Probably, Carley didn’t think so either, otherwise, she wouldn’t have sent you to the Hinton’s house to bring Ashley out as soon as she knew the child wasn’t Walter’s.” 

“Ah!” Mother sighed, “What a sin, I shouldn’t have adopted Ashley in the first place, otherwise such a thing wouldn’t have happened now.” 

I didn’t respond, instead I looked at my mother and asked, “Mom, what did you and Ashley talk about in the room last night?” 

Mother sighed, “I originally planned to give her some money, so she would stop bothering Walter, so she could find a place to have her baby and live her life. But she refused, saying she loved Walter, and Walter loved her. Even if the child in her belly wasn’t Walter’s, Walter would take care of her for the rest of her life. She insisted on competing with you, accused me of favoritism, said that your father and I had raised her all these years but never truly loved her. She said. we always thought of you and never considered her, she said she hated 


In the end, the mother became increasingly helpless, sighing deeply, “I admit, she is not my biological child. I adopted her out of pity years ago, fearing she would freeze or starve to death outside. But over the years, we have never deprived her of food or drink, and your father and 



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I have never been stingy with money towards her. But I never expected that she would harbor such hatred towards us now. She even said that she would be the ultimate winner in this matter with Walter. What do you make of this?” 

pursed my lips, unsure of how to evaluate Ashley’s feelings towards my parents. The heart doesn’t grow in the center, favoritism is inevitable. Besides, she wasn’t my mother’s biological child. How could my mother possibly treat everyone equally? 

Her resentment, I was powerless to say anything. 

After sipping some plain porridge, I looked at my mother and said, “Mom, I have a handle on things with Walter. You don’t need to worry.” 

She sighed, helplessly saying, “Then, since you’re not pregnant, what are you planning to do next?” 

I shook my head, my mind in a mess. I hastily ate a few bites of porridge, bid my mother goodbye, and left the house. To be honest, I really hadn’t figured out what to do next. 

Upon learning that the child in Ashley’s belly was not Walter’s, I began to hesitate. After all, she was someone I liked. If possible, who wouldn’t want to grow old with the person they love? 

In the afternoon, after I told my mother that I was not pregnant, she stopped worrying about me. Alexander and I went to the funeral home. to bid Abagail our last farewell. 

Funeral home. 

Abagail’s body was cremated by the staff at the funeral home, I found out after asking around. Abagail’s family didn’t come, they just let the funeral home staff cremate her and scatter her ashes somewhere random after the process. 

“In this day and age, people are all cold-blooded creatures,” the funeral home worker muttered as he scooped Abagail’s ashes into the urn. 


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