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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

Grace felt a stabbing pain in her heart. No matter how much she did or how tired she became, it didn’t matter to her. What hurt her the most was Brian’s lack of trust and his cold words

She dragged her weary b*dy back to the Francis estate

Melvin, who hadn’t gone to bed yet, hurried over with concern when he saw her pale face. Miss Sherman, how are you?” 

Grace collapsed onto the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling in a state of exhaustion

Seeing her silence, Melvin quietly walked to the kitchen and served her a bowl of chicken soup

Miss Sherman, this is specially made for you. It’s made from an old hen brought in from the countryside. Please have some,said Melvin

Melvin, thank you, but I’m not in the mood for drinking soup right now.Grace finally moved her eyes

Melvin insisted with concern. You’ve had a tiring day; you should have some.” 

Grace didn’t want to refuse Melvin’s kind gesture any longer. She sat up, took the chicken soup from his hands, held her breath, and took a big sip, finishing it in one go

The rich chicken soup flavor surged up her throat just as she swallowed. She quickly covered her mouth, rushed to the bathroom, and vomited out the contents of her stomach

Melvin was quite alarmed. Miss Sherman, why are you vomiting again? I’ll call Mr. Brian right away,he exclaimed

No need, Melvin. I’m fine. I’m just tired and need some rest,Grace hastily reassured, grabbing his arm

At this moment, Brian was accompanying Louise. If Melvin called to inform him, it would likely only elicit his mockery rather than concern

Are you sure you’re okay?Melvin sighed deeply

It’s my own b*dy, and I know how I feel. Thank you, Melvin,replied Grace


After returning to her room, Grace fell asleep immediately. She slept deeply, but at eight o’clock the following day, Brian called to remind her to come over and deliver breakfast. Grace reluctantly got up from bed and hurriedly prepared breakfast

Melvin also pitched in to help. After preparing breakfast, both he and Grace went to the hospital together

Standing at the hospital room door, Grace watched as Brian fed Louise breakfast as if she were the only person in his eyes. Grace’s heart felt numb, as if it had already lost its sensitivity

After Brian fed her breakfast, he prepared to leave for the office. Before departing, he specifically warned Grace, Don’t let me catch you mistreating her again!” 

Grace gripped her palms tightly, her long nails digging into her flesh, yet she felt no pain

Walking to the corridor, Melvin followed along

Mr. Brian.” 

What’s the matter?Brian glanced at him and asked casually. 

Last night, Miss Sherman was so exhausted when she returned that she could barely walk. After managing to have a bowl of soup, she vomited. Her health has been really poor lately, Mr. Brian. Why don’t you let other maids come and take care of Miss Adkins?” 

Brian had averted his gaze long before Melvin finished speaking, his expression indifferent like still water. Only after Melvin had finished speaking did Brian finally turn to look at him

Melvin, you’ve been with the Francis family for many years and considered an elder. That’s why I didn’t interrupt you just now and let you finish. In the future, take care of your own responsibilities, and please refrain from speaking on matters that don’t concern you.” 

Melvin cast a darkened gaze, appearing to have words on the tip of his tongue but choosing to remain silent

Brian spoke coldly once again, It’s not that someone else can’t take care of her, but when she makes a mistake, she should face the consequences.” 

Melvin dared not say another word

Brian entered the elevator and departed

Melvin turned around to glance at the busy figure of Grace. Thinking about what Brian had just said, an unpleasant feeling lingered in his heart

On the way home, Melvin suddenly received a call from Brian

Mr. Brian, do you have any further instructions?” 

According to the treatment of the Francis family’s servants, give her a day off on the weekend,” Brian instructed

After saying that, he promptly ended the call. The expression on Melvin’s face finally relaxed. A day off would indeed be good

Grace took care of Louise for three days, during which she lost a total of six pounds

Every day, she toiled under the scorching sun, making it difficult for her to have a proper meal

Her face had visibly and rapidly slimmed down, and even her jawline had become sharper. Enduring until the weekend, she finally had time for a medical checkup

Why aren’t you taking care of your b*dy? Look at how much weight you’ve lost! None of your health indicators. are normal. If you keep going like this, you might lose the baby. What is your husband doing? I see him dressing decently. Can’t he afford to hire someone to take care of you?” 

Dr. Ford looked at the examination report and couldn’t help but sternly admonish

Grace bit her lip. After all, she was the servant who was supposed to take care of others

Dr. Ford looked at the data on the examination report, becoming increasingly upset. I’ve never seen a pregnant woman in such a terrible condition. The sooner you divorce that husband of yours, the better!” 

Grace awkwardly said, Dr. Ford, after all, he doesn’t know about my pregnancy. It’s not his fault. Maybe the baby in my belly is just too restless, so I can’t eat anything these days.” 

Dr. Ford let out a heavy sigh and prescribed medication for her, also arranging for an intravenous drip

After returning home, Grace forced herself to eat a lot. She couldn’t afford to collapse


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