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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

While waiting for the elevator in the corridor, which seemed to take a long time, Grace was afraid she might receive a call urging her. After a moment of consideration, she decided to head toward the stairwell

The VIP ward was on the fourth floor, not too high

As she climbed to the second floor, suddenly, everything went black before her eyes, and she promptly collapsed into the stairwell

The fire door swung open as a slender man in a white coat emerged, casually smoking a cigarette

He was about to light a cigarette when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure on the ground. He quickly crouched down and asked, Miss! What happened

He touched her pulse, and then he saw red liquid running down her thighs between her smooth legs. His brow wrinkled as he said, Pregnant?” 

Justin lifted her up from the ground with one swift motion

The weight in his hands was unbelievably light, and his brow furrowed even more. Who has been mistreating you? How did you become so thin

Kicking open the fire door, Justin found there were several female nurses standing in the corridor as if intentionally trying to create a chance encounter with him

Seeing the woman in Justin’s arms, the female nurses wiped away the infatuation on their faces. Dr. Vance, what’s happening

Arrange a gynecological examination immediately.” 


When Grace woke up again, the first thing she saw was the white ceiling. A little nurse stood by her bedside, looking at her with a cheerful smile, and asked, You’re awake?” 

Where am I?Grace asked with confusion

You fainted in the corridor, and Dr. Vance saved you. You’re so lucky. You’re the only patient who got a hug from 

Dr. Vance.” 

Grace listened to the nurse’s words, feeling confused and at a loss

But, you don’t stand a chance. You’re pregnant. Dr. Vance is the most famous doctor in the whole city, and he’s the most handsome male doctor in the entire medical field. Today, when Dr. Vance is on duty, you have no idea

how many women have come to register. The line is almost reaching the hospital entrance, all just to say a few 

words to Dr. Vance.” 

Grace listened with a sense of confusion, and she probably understood why there were so many people downstairs. They were all here for Dr. Vance, who the nurse was talking about

Who is Dr. Vance?” 

Just then, a gentle voice suddenly sounded. It’s me, Justin Vance.” 

The nurse turned around, and her eyes seemed filled with anticipation. Dr. Vance, you’re here.” 

Justin smiled at her and said, You can go out first.” 

Grace looked at the man in front of her. He had brown eyes, flawless fair skin, and handsome yet gentle facial features. He was indeed a topnotch character, deserving of the many women’s admiration for him

However, having been accustomed to Brian’s handsomeness, she had become immune to goodlooking men

Justin walked over and administered some medicine, asking, Do you know you’re pregnant?” 


Knowing that, you still let yourself become so thin? Don’t you plan to have a baby?Justin frowned


Justin looked at her expression and suddenly felt a heaviness in his chest. For some reason, he sensed that this woman carried many stories of sadness

What’s your name?” 


Grace awkwardly uttered her name. Grace.” 

Where’s your husband? Give him a call and let him come take care of you,” Justin asked again

Grace’s eyes flickered as she looked at him. Can you keep this a secret for me?” 

Keep what a secret?Justin asked, puzzled

I’m pregnant and can’t let my husband know.” 

The man appeared somewhat surprised but chose not to press for more details, unwilling to pry further

Your b*dy is severely malnourished, and the baby’s nutrition is also insufficient. If you want to deliver the child safely, you need to take good care of your health.” 

Grace nodded gently. She indeed wished to take good care of her health, but reality didn’t permit it

You rest. Since you don’t want to notify your family, we’ll leave it at that. By the way, your phone was ringing constantly earlier, and the items you bought are placed in the cabinet for you.” 

Grace expressed her gratitude, saying, Thank you!” 

I’ll leave for now. Call me if you need anything

Grace thanked him once again. After he left, she picked up her phone and glanced at it. There were numerous calls and messages from Louise and two missed calls from Brian

Upon checking the time, an entire hour had already passed

Louise couldn’t find her and didn’t get to eat the seafood she wanted. She would definitely call Brian to let him know. She couldn’t let Brian find out that she was receiving an IV in the hospital

If they traced things back and found out she was pregnant, it would be over

With this in mind, Grace quickly removed the needle from the back of her hand. Just as she stepped out, she ran into Justin

What are you doing? You’re leaving before the IV drip is finished?Justin asked

No time to explain. I must go back immediately,” Grace said in a hurry

Justin said thoughtfully, Your pregnancy condition is very unstable. It’s better to stay in the hospital for a few days. Let me take you to arrange admission.” 

Dr. Vance, I don’t have the conditions to stay in the hospital. If it’s discovered that there’s a child in my belly, it will be over.Grace looked at him deeply, pain evident in her eyes

Justin looked into her eyes and suddenly couldn’t bear to insist on her staying in the hospital. After some thought, he took out his phone. Your mobile number.” 

Grace hesitated for a moment, then obediently gave him her phone number


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