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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 

Later, she forgot about it.” 

Now, thinking back, Grace’s reaction that day did seem quite suspicious

Brian discussed some cooperation matters with Marshall downstairs and then returned to the company shortly. Before leaving, he sent a text message to Louise

At the Francis Group

Brian had just sat down when he received a call from Melvin

Mr. Brian, Miss Sherman had a good appetite today. She finished all the soup that was prepared for her.” 

Brian responded with a faint Hmmand then asked, How are her feet?” 

Still the same as usual.” 

Brian furrowed his brow slightly, saying, Got it,and then hung up the phone

He browsed through the orders he placed on his phone yesterday, and with his slender fingers, he tapped on the review section. He left a negative review without any accompanying comments

At around 4:30 in the afternoon, his phone suddenly received a call from the merchant

Hello, Mr. Brian, this is Seven Star Pharmacy. We noticed that you gave us a negative review. May I inquire about the reason for your dissatisfaction?” 

Brian paused with his fingers on the mouse, then leaned back in his chair and coolly said, Your medication is completely ineffective!” 

After saying that, he promptly ended the call

Shortly after, the customer service called again, inquiring whether he had used the product in the correct manner. They emphasized the effectiveness of their medicine, stating that they had never received a negative review before, and Brian was the only customer who had given their store a negative rating. They went on to request him to consider removing the 


Brian responded sarcastically, If you still want to run a pharmacy, stop bothering with phone calls!” 

Unaware of the identity of Brian, the customer service, under pressure from her manager, dialed his number once again

Brian glanced at the caller ID and promptly called in his assistant, Camren

Acquired the Seven Star Pharmacy on Drake Road,” 

Camren was momentarily stunned, but after confirming with him, he went out to start preparing for the acquisition

A little after 5 o’clock, as Brian glanced at the time on the wall and prepared to leave work a bit early, his assistant suddenly walked in. Mr. Francis, there’s a dinner at 6 PM tonight at the Platinum Hyatt Hotel. It’s with Mr. Wilson from Summit Sphere Group and a few executives from the political arena

Chapter 22 

Brian frowned, and his assistant immediately sensed his reluctance. He said, Mr. Francis, this cooperation with Summit Sphere Group is quite crucial, a project worth over ten million dollars. It’s important for our partnership.” 

Brian, feeling irritable, tugged at his tie. He couldn’t quite explain why, but today, he just wanted to leave work early and head home

After hesitating for a moment, he ultimately returned to his office and sat back down

In the private room on the second floor of the Platinum Hyatt Hotel

Brian symbolically raised a few glasses with the people at the dining table, and after a short while, he planned to leave

Seeing his intention to leave, Mr. Wilson joked, Mr. Francis, you’ve become quite domestically controlled by Mrs. Adkins right after announcing the engagement, haven’t you?” 

Brian’s expression remained indifferent. He neither confirmed nor denied the remark. He raised his glass and continued drinking with the others

It would be easier to handle if it were just a cooperation with Mr. Wilson. After all, involving several political figures made it tricky for him to simply walk away

Brian was persuaded to drink quite a bit, and when he finally left, it was already past midnight


Camren escorted him back, and Brian, with slightly drunk and blurry eyes, glanced at his phone screen. There was a missed call from Louise and two text messages, while the rest were irrelevant notifications

As if prompted by a strange impulse, Brian clicked into the sent messages in his inbox

The word Gracelay quietly at the bottom of the list, indicating that the last message sent to her was nearly a month ago

Back then, whenever he came home late, he would always receive messages from her, cautioning him to drink less and inquiring about when he would return

It seemed that she hadn’t sent him any messages since Louise returned

A cold smile played on the lips of Brian. Grace was indeed a dutiful wife, always attentive and responsible.. 

Closing his eyes, the face of Grace suddenly flashed in his mind, which was cold, stubborn, devoid of the once tender gaze

A sudden wave of discomfort swept over his chest, and he couldn’t quite fathom why he kept thinking about her tonight

Perhaps, he reasoned with himself, it was the effect of having a bit too much to drink, always seeking someone to stir up trouble

Hence, Brian headed straight to Grace’s room after the car stopped at the villa

Seeing him walking unsteadily, Camren couldn’t help but step forward to support him

Mr. Francis, are you okay? Let me help you inside!” 

Brian raised his hand in a gesture, signaling him not to follow

Camren watched him enter the living room before driving away

48% 20:09 

Chapter 22 

Grace’s door was not locked, and Brian pushed it open directly. He didn’t turn on the lights, but in the faint glow from outside, he saw her lying on her side in bed, seemingly in a deep sleep

Didn’t she used to wait for him in the living room whenever he had social engagements outside in the past

He suddenly felt an impulse to disrupt her peace ruthlessly

He sat abruptly at the edge of the bed, and the notsosubtle movement startled Grace. She groggily opened her eyes, recognized the figure before her as Brian, and instinctively shifted backward

How did you get here?” 


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