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Falling For My Contractual Wife (Brian and Grace) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

Grace froze in place

Brian reached up and, with a snap, turned on the light in the room

Grace suddenly sat up and huddled in the corner

You dare to deceive me? Who gave you the courage? Don’t want me to touch, huh? Then you want who to touch you? That doctor surnamed Vance?Brian stared at her with eyes as dark as ink

What’s the matter with Dr. Vance? You’re being completely unreasonable!Grace looked at him in disbelief

Did I say something wrong? If it weren’t for me seeing you two together that day, would you be embracing each other?” 

Grace angrily pushed him away. You’re drunk! You should go find your Miss Adkins!” 

Brian, already under the influence of alcohol, was unprepared for the sudden shove. It caused his entire b*dy to tilt to one side

At that moment, his gaze fell upon the trash bin on the floor

He squinted his dangerous eyes, got off the bed, and bent down to pick up something from the trash bin. He held it up to her and asked, What is this?” 

His voice was as cold as an ice cellar

Grace saw the medicine bottle in his hand and felt a tremor in her chest, II accidentally dropped it in there.” 

Grace, do you think I’m a fool, huh? It’s obvious that this medicine has never been opened!Brian sneered

Grace suddenly felt inexplicably guilty

Brian thought about how he had foolishly given a negative review to the pharmacy today and even considered acquiring it. It made him burn with anger

In a fit of rage, he laughed mockingly and reached out with his long arm. He grabbed her wrist and pushed her down onto the bed

Grace screamed and struggled, but Brian quickly removed her clothes in a matter of moments

She felt scared and, in the end, began crying and begging him to let her go. However, the sight of her tears only fueled Brian’s anger, and his actions became even more rough

She closed her eyes in despair. 

Suddenly, a strange warmth flowed over her b*dy. Terrified, she pushed him away, saying, Don’t” 

Brian paused in his actions and followed her gaze downwards

Seeing the red liquid, he instantly sobered up and sat up straight

Chapter 23 

What’s going on? Why is there bleeding?” 

Grace pulled the thin blanket over her b*dy, curled up, and looked at him coldly. I told you I got my period! You just didn’t 

believe me!” 

You’re still lying to me. Your menstrual cycle is in the middle of the month, never beyond the 18th!” 

Grace was slightly stunned, thinking, He actually remembers my menstrual cycle?‘ 

But then she quickly realized that she might be discovered as pregnant because of this, and immediately calmed down

She gave a cold laugh, climbed out of bed, and looked at him with indifference. Brian, do you think I’m leading a normal life now? I’m tormented by you day in and day out, and I’ve long suffered from hormonal imbalance!” 

How so? Taking care of Louise makes you feel like you’re being abused?Brian flashed a look in his eyes, then spoke mockingly

Grace saw that he seemed to believe her words, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief

Brian, if you have a bit of conscience left, you should give me money for treatment instead of making sarcastic remarks here!” 

The mockery on Brian’s face intensified. Sure enough, now that your true colors are revealed, you know the contract is ending, and you’re hoping to gain something from it, right?” 

Grace felt a pang in her heart. In his eyes, she was just a malicious, scheming, moneygrabbing woman

Since he wanted to think of her that way, she might as well be as bad as he believed

You’re right! This is my true nature! I forgot to tell you. I’ve been covering all the expenses since taking care of Louise in the hospital. You haven’t given me anything for taxi fares or groceries! She’s your fiancée, not my responsibility. Shouldn’t her fiancé settle the bills for her?” 

Brian found it somewhat unbelievable that Grace would speak to him in such a manner

Certainly, she had been pretending all along for the past two years

Feeling disgusted after seeing her true nature, he opened the door, slammed it shut, and left

Grace listened to the loud commotion outside the door as if Brian had kicked something over in the living room. Then came the sound of footsteps going upstairs, followed by a sharp closing of a door, and everything fell silent again

Grace felt her b*dy go weak. In a hurry, she took out her phone and called Justin

After ringing for a while, the call was answered. Grace spoke with a trembling and fearful voice. Dr. Vance, LI’m bleeding again. What should I do now?” 


There was a pause on the other end, then a gentle voice reassured, Where are you now?” 

I’m at home.” 

Is there 

e anyone who can take you to come out?” 

Chapter 23 

Grace spoke quivering and helplessly. No, there’s no one. I’m all alone.” 

Tell me your home address, and I’ll come over immediately to take you for an examination,Dr. Vance said

After providing her address to Justin, Grace instructed him not to park the car directly in front of the main entrance

Justin listened to her instructions. Although he had some questions in his mind, the situation was urgent, so he didn’t ask further

After hanging up the phone, Grace realized it was already past two in the morning. Justin might have been asleep and was awakened by her urgent call

In less than fifteen minutes, Justin called. Grace padded with a sanitary pad, slipped out of the room, and quietly walked out from the back door

Having had the experience of being caught by Brian last time, she dared not come out from the front door in the middle of the night again

On the side of the road, a white Aston Martin, with its hazard lights on, was parked. Upon spotting Grace, Justin stood next to the car and quickly approached with determined steps

Justin was still in his pajamas, clearly rushing over immediately after hanging up the phone

Grace didn’t know how to express her gratitude. A doctor going to such lengths for a patient left her feeling that words of thanks seemed insufficient

Why was there bleeding?Justin started the car and, while driving, inquired


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