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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 13


Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 13 – My stomach churning at the realisation, I still had to survive being here with them for the night. Cyrus pointed to the stairs and I walked toward them before letting him lead the way. He showed me where the bathroom was and to a bedroom with a huge king size bed that sat d**d centre of the room. Everything looked brand new and untouched, the house despite its beauty looked more like a show home then something people lived in, not a speck of dust and I actually felt bad for their cleaning person, having to dust this place with its exposed wooden beams and the chandeliers. Also, just the furnishings which were mostly oak would require a fair amount of furniture polish.

“Our bedroom is the one at the end of the hall if you need us” Cyrus tells me before spinning around and I see Eli move past the bedroom door heading back downstairs.

Cyrus pops his head out the door watching him go.

“Where are you going?” He calls after him.

“To the f*****g meeting” Eli says to him. My stomach plummeted at the anger in his voice.


“Well wait, we will come, it’s a little early still” Cyrus calls down to him. I hear the door slam, making me flinch.

“Stay here, I will go talk to him” Cyrus tells me before walking out of the room. I stood there gobsmacked that he was so angry over our little tiff in the car, it wasn’t like I was deliberately being a b***h, my sister was just a touchy subject for me. I felt protective of her and didn’t want them judging her on her poor life choices.

The house was d**d quiet, I remained in the room like he said but besides that I was also too scared to touch anything in case I broke it, knowing it would probably cost a fortune to be replaced. After a few hours of sitting in the room waiting for him to return though, I realised they weren’t coming back. I looked at the time on my phone knowing that the meeting started an hour ago. It kind of seemed pointless that I was here now, wasn’t the entire reason I was forced to go, was to attend this meeting with them? When it started to get dark my stomach rumbled, and I realised I hadn’t eaten all day.

Ignoring the noise, I rummage through my bag looking for my pajamas before sticking my head out. The house was dark besides the bedroom I had been waiting in. I plug my phone into the charger after I had nearly run the battery d**d, reading off the many apps on my phone. Walking down the hall toward the stairs, I run my hands over the wall trying to feel for a light switch but come up empty, I feel the door to the bathroom. Twisting the handle, I opened it and flicked on the lights before stepping inside the room. The tiles felt cold underneath my b**e feet. I noticed some fresh towels rolled up in a basket next to the sink and I sighed with relief because I had no idea where the linen closet was.



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