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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 12

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 12 – I yawn, waking up when I feel a hand touch my shoulder. Sitting up I look around to find myself in a leather seat. I try to remember the last thing that happened, but everything felt fuzzy, I remember fainting, but I don’t remember getting on the plane. I felt sluggish as I looked around the cabin of the plane. Eli standing in front of me looking down at me.“We are here, time to get up” He says, turning and walking off. My head was pounding, and I could feel a migraine coming on as I pressed my fingers to my temple.

“Did I sleep the entire way?” | ask, trying to remember anything at all, Soya was a few hours by plane, surely I didn’t sleep that long.

“Yes, you fainted and remained asleep” Cyrus says, walking past me before leaning down and undoing the belt that was fastened across my waist. I stood clutching my head that was pounding to its own beat.

“I have the worst headache” | mutter to myself as I follow them off the plane and onto the tarmac where a car was waiting. A man was putting luggage in the trunk of the black SUV. Eli opens the back door and I feel Cyrus’s hand go to my lower back before he pushes me toward the open door. I climb in, moving across the seat. Eli climbs in beside me while Cyrus gets in the driver’s seat. I put my belt on and Eli leans between the two seats grabbing something from the front before handing me a bottle of water and some Advil.

“Thank you” I tell him, taking them from him and popping three of the little blue pills in my mouth before s********g a mouthful of water. I rest my head back on the headrest looking out the window as Cyrus starts driving.

Something felt off, like I was missing something. I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was. The car ride was silent when I noticed we started heading out of the city instead of toward it. I sat up leaning forward on my seat.

“I thought you had a meeting in the city?” | ask, leaning forward and talking to Cyrus. His eyes flick to me in the rearview mirror before going back to the road.

“We do but we have a house just outside the city which is where we will be staying overnight” He says. I nod sitting back to find Eli watching me, his body turned slightly toward me. His stare made me nervous and self-conscious.

“Can I ask you something?” He says, making me bite my bottom lip wondering what the h**l he could possibly want to know. I nod and Cyrus clears his throat in the front.

“How did your father d*e?” He says abruptly, making my head whip to the window. I s*****w, my mouth suddenly feeling dry..


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