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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 17

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 17 – “That document, you’re under contract for the natural term of your life” Cyrus says, flicking to a page and pointing to it. I read it. ‘The signee of this contract will hereby work and work exclusively for Mr Cyrus and Elijah Colten indefinitely, failure or breach of this contract, the signee relinquishes all assets to the company’ I gasp, I would never have signed this, what person in their right mind would.

“I will fight it in court, no judge would agree to this being upheld” I tell them.

“With what money, we will clean you out long before it ever gets before a judge, we own you now, you belong to us, we can do whatever we want with you. If you fail to comply, Addeline, I will ruin your family’s life as they know it” Cyrus threatens me. I look between them shocked that they could be so cruel.

“Not to mention, I will make sure you are unemployable in the future,” Eli says, sitting on the edge of his desk and folding his arms across his chest.

“Why are you doing this, what have I done to you?” I ask with tears filling my eyes.

“Nothing you are ours and I won’t allow you to leave us” Eli states like it’s so obvious.

“That doesn’t even make sense”

“It will in time, you will eventually come around to the idea once the mate bond kicks in” Cyrus tells me, making me furrow my brows.

“MATE BOND?” I scream, what the f**k is a mate bond? I wonder to myself, making a mental note to g****e it when I get home.

“You will understand in time, none of that matters right now. What matters is you are not quitting, and you will continue to work for us” Eli tells me.

My tears spill over at his words and Cyrus takes a step forward reaching out his hand, none of this makes sense, what they are doing makes no sense.


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