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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 18

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 18 – I walk to the train station, finding a cab. I realised I left my suitcase in their car. I caught a cab home. Unlocking the door to the house. I rush to my room dumping my things and grabbing my towel before rushing to the bathroom.

“Addie is that you?” My mother calls out from Maya’s room.

“Yeah, Ma it’s just me, having a shower” I call back before walking and closing the door. I need to clean myself up before she starts asking questions, I was legally bound not to give her. My entire life was falling apart, and I didn’t know how to fix it or what to do. The worst part was, I couldn’t tell anyone without the worry of being sued. I didn’t want to go back to them, the thought scared me.

I was in the shower for a while lost in my thoughts, my mother knocking on the door, “Adeline is everything alright you have been in there awhile” She asks. I shut the taps off, grabbing my towel.

“Yes, everything is fine, my back is sore is all” I tell her not wanting to open the door while she was on the other side. My mother had this ability to read me like an open book and would know instantly something was up.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” She asked again, I wasn’t alright. I was far from alright and I now had to go back to them, endure them tomorrow.

“Yep, everything is great” I lie glad she can’t see me.

Getting up in the morning, I get dressed. My mother was still feeling sick with the flu so she said she would drop Maya off at school for me. The doorbell rings as I walk downstairs grabbing my handbag.

I hear my mother’s startled voice as she answers the door, my heart skipping a beat when I walk down the hall seeing Eli standing there.

“I’m her boss” Eli explains with his eyes going to me walking toward him. My mother turns around looking at me, her nose red and eyes puffy as she motions toward him.

“Your boss is here honey,” She says. I nod, wondering why the h**l he was here; they start after me usually.

My mother sends him a smile and I walk past her, closing the door behind me. I look down the driveway and don’t see his car,

“Why are you here?” I ask walking toward my car and hitting the button to unlock it. My headlights flashing signally, it was now unlocked. I climb in the driver seat.

“Cyrus dropped me off here on his way, I wanted to make sure you weren’t going to try and skip town” he says, opening the passenger door. He stops looking down the side of my car at the huge scrape.

“Should I be worried about getting in a car with you?” He asks, a silly grin on his face before he gets in.


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