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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 22

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 22 – “So, you’re back on for Fridays?” She asks, wiggling her eyebrows and my face heats. My mother knew of our arrangement, I had no secrets with my mother, and she was one of the least judgemental people I know. She was completely open, and I could tell her anything.

“Yes mum” I tell her with a groan, “Go get Maya” I tell her, and she sends me a wink before ducking out the door.

“Why would you tell her that?” I ask looking to them,

“Thought she should know you will be moving”

“I am not moving, I am staying here with my family, you have no right meddling in my life the way you do” I tell them getting up and grabbing their empty cups and walking to the kitchen. They follow not getting the picture I want them to leave.

“So where do you go on Fridays?” Eli asks curiously,

“we had you followed for the last two weeks and never once seen you go anywhere besides work and home, and who this, Sam person”

“Sam is none of your business, my life outside work is none of your business, can you just leave please” I tell them pointing to the door.

Cyrus walks past me and sits at the table,

“No, not until you tell us who this Sam person is”, He says.

“Either you tell us, or I will just check your phone records and track him that way” Eli says, walking over and sitting next to Cyrus.

“He is a friend, why does it matter, you’re my bosses. We are not in a relationship” I emphasize. I had no idea what their going was, but it was clear they had some kind of weird arrangement. I knew they were married yet both of them have kissed me and the other was never fazed by it. I shake my head at the thought.

“So he is male?” Eli says ignoring my other comments.

“Yes, and I think you should leave” I tell them but neither of them move so much as an inch.

“What sort of friend”

“G*d that is none of your business, why can’t you understand that?” I yell at Cyrus.

“It is our business, you belong to us” He answers simply like it’s the most logical answer in the world.

“this, this right here is not normal, you do get that right? Bosses usually don’t visit their employees at home, or stalk them, or ask about there s*x lives” I tell them in frustration.

“So, you s********h this Sam?” Eli asks, really that’s all he got from that entire little rant. But why do they both suddenly look so angry. Cyrus fist was clenched tightly on top of the table, his jaw clenched as he stared behind me. Eli was glaring directly at me.

“That’s none of your business for the hundredth time. Now can you leave please you’re making me uncomfortable” I tell them.

“Is he why you won’t leave?” Asks Eli.

“No, we aren’t like that, just friends with benefits” Both of them look at me like they have never heard the term, I can’t believe I was having this discussion with my bosses like how inappropriate.


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