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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 23

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 23 – I help my mother prepare dinner while Eli and Cyrus play at the table with Maya and I was a little surprised to see how good they were with her, not like their usual intimidating selves I was so used to, they almost looked relaxed, Eli did while he drew on some paper alongside her, Cyrus commenting on her artwork but more or less just reading a magazine my mother left out as he flicked through the pages.

Helping my mother I dump the onion and mushroom in the frypan with some butter. When I realised, I didn’t ask if they were allergic to anything. Last thing I need is one of them dropping d**d on my floor, just as I go to ask, my mother does, having the same thought.

“Do you have food allergies?”

Cyrus grins at her question like he thought it was funny. “No Debbie no allergies, want a hand?” He asks.

“No, we are right” She says, turning back to me and chucking the mince in the pan. I turn the other element on, and she drops the pasta in a pot of water placing it on the stove before whispering to me.

“They seem very attached to you, are you sleeping with them too”

“Mum?” I whisper yelled at her, knowing they could possibly overhear her.

“No, I am not”

“I was just asking, geez, you know I don’t care, they are both fine looking men” She says, and I snort. I look over my shoulder at them and find Cyrus has a sly smile on his face he was trying to conceal.

“How old are they?” She asks and I chuckle, shaking my head.

“Are you asking for me or yourself?” I chuckle and she elbows me and giggles.

“I am 34, Elijah is 33” Cyrus says behind us and now I know he overheard my mothers not so quiet whispers.

I look over my shoulder at him and notice Eli was gone with Maya before I hear shimmer shine turn on the TV.

“Maya is showing him some cartoons,” He answers when I look toward the hallway.

“You seem very open, with your mother” Cyrus says, and my mother turns around to face him.

“Yes, we are very close” She tells him.

“Would you have a problem with her being in a relationship with two men?” He asks curiously.

“Nope, as long as she is happy, I don’t care who she is with or whom” She answers. Cyrus smiles at her and gives her a nod while I gape at him.

“Told you” She says nudging me with her elbow just as Eli walks back and sits at the table.

“What happened?” He asks, looking at Cyrus missing half the conversation. Cyrus shakes his head before looking at my mother.

“We were asking her about this person Sam, do you know him?” He asks, g*d he was a daring a*****e, I wanted to smack him.

“Yes, lovely bloke, bit of a player though” She answers. She likes Sam but knows he only calls me when he is in town and looking for bedroom comforts.

“Mum, they are my bosses” I squeak.


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